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QMapShack is a consumer grade software to work with data aquired by GPS devices. The data can be displayed on a variety of maps and stored in a database. Additionally new data can be created to plan tours.


Garmin vector maps and *.jnx raster maps
Raster maps supported by GDAL
GEMF raster maps
Online maps (TMS and WTMS (partially))
Display multiple maps in one view
Reproject maps on-the-fly to view's projection
Digital elevation model independent from maps
Hillshading and slope coloring

GIS Data:

100% project oriented data handling
Summarize project by a diary
Support for tracks, routes, waypoints and areas
Support of track point extensions (e.g. heart rate)
Support GPX, SLF, FIT, TCX, SMl, LOG, QLB and QMapShack's own binary format
Simple geocache support
Store projects in a database
Support for multiple databases


Undo/redo history for all items
Track point edit mode to create/change tracks, routes or areas
Cut/copy/combine/reverse tracks
Various filter to enhance tracks
Track point extensions like heart rate, cadence,...
Fine tune track statistics by activities
Colorize track by extension or activity
Create routes and calculate them by Routino (offline), MapQuest (online) or BRouter(online/offline)
Use offline router to draw tracks on-the-fly.

GPS Devices:

Support for newer Garmin devices
Support for TwoNav devices
Project oriented data organization on devices
Synchronize your project with a group of devices attached


License GPL3+
Runs on all *nix systems as well as on Windows and OS X.
GUI has been translated to Czech, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Catalan
Wiki documentation is English
Quickstart guide in English, German and Russian
Needs Qt5.4 or later, GDAL, Proj4, Quazip5 and Routino installed
For device support on Linux DBus and UDisk2 must be installed
Last changelog:


[QMS-220] "Select items from map" misses items
[QMS-275] Routino: Add Spanish and Czech as selectable languages for turn instructions
[QMS-279] Track metrics not updated when using UNDO / REDO in Edit mode
[QMS-282] Tags icons/rating disappear from workspace after saving and closing a project
[QMS-285] WMTS-based maps aren't restored correctly
[QMS-297] Add GUI framework for POI databases
[QMS-299] CEnergyCycling is storing it's configuration in the `General` section instead of it's own.
[QMS-301] Load POI file
[QMS-303] Add POI icons
[QMS-307] Optimization of POI query
[QMS-311] Automatically save projects to device
[QMS-313] UX improvements for POIs
[QMS-314] Fix/Add POI categories
[QMS-315] Make POI Icons User-Selectable
[QMS-317] Enable user to add POI to project via right-click
[QMS-31 Change poi_t to use radians
[QMS-321] Improve name selection for POI
[QMS-322] Make POIs show up in 'Select Items On Map'
[QMS-337] Upgrade to Proj 8 API
[QMS-343] .fit files from Suunto app have many trackpoints with elevation = 0
[QMS-344] Better integration of new PROJ lib into cmake build system
[QMS-349] Upgrade to Quazip Qt5 V1.x
[QMS-353] "Select Items on Map" does not update when items are removed
[QMS-354] Refactor the code to get rid of clazy warnings
[QMS-360] Fix compile flags for Windows 64bit
[QMS-362] Fit files containing more than one developer data ID cannot be opened. e.g. from a Garmin FR 935 and a connected Stryd footpod
[QMS-363] GIS items missing in projects loaded from file or database
[QMS-371] Crash while loading geocache from TwoNav device
[QMS-373] Refine templates to hide comments
[QMS-375] On-screen profile window has no close button
[QMS-37 Add option to link map views
[QMS-380] Toggle fullscreen does not work
[QMS-382] QMapTool: Allow customized GDAL parameters
[QMS-384] Add Garmin Fit power data to support powermeter pedals
[QMS-389] Crash when loading/drawing POIs
[QMS-391] Adapt Windows build scripts to PROJ.8/Quazip 1.x

Ratings & Comments



We have highly experienced experts in our technical support team for Garmin map update!. We have succeeded in helping over a huge amount of customers. It is our pleasure to help you. At Maps updates org, we specialize in offering you the best deals on mapping software covering maps on every continent. If you want an instant solution to any issue related to your device, then contact us.


from version 1.13.2 the .gpx files saved with Qmapshack cannot be opened with other software, such as Oruxmaps .. I return "erroneous during loading of the route" Previous versions worked regularly on the same version of Oruxmaps on windows 10 pro


Please use the issue tracker And it would help a lot if you provide an example GPX. Of possible one from the working version and one from the current version.


Hi, I recently downloaded and tried your software. Very nice! I have one problem though: If I connect my Garmin Edge 1000 it shows up, but I can't access it (im- or export tracks). It works fine with my Garmin Edge 705. Is it posssibly to new?


How does it store tracks? Does it use GPX or TCX? There should be a file GarminDevice.xml on your device. If you send me the file I can tell you a bit more.


Regarding the import, GPX files are still used to get your tracks on the device. Internally Garmin now saves all its stuff in the FIT format (


Ok, than it's "too new". Probably the best will be someone owning and using such a device donates the code to read those files.


I sent you an email containing a link for the device xml file. May be it is possible just to get the import working for now.

1 Pling
0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 1.16.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 9

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