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The latest stable release of Quanta Plus and other useful programs for web developing, including Kommander, KImageMapEditor, KXSLDbg, KFileReplace, KLinkStatus, gathered under the name of KDEWebDev - KDE Web Development.

This was released as part of KDE 3.5.6.
Last changelog:

The release contains fixes in Quanta Plus.
- show Find in Files menu if KFileReplace is installed. Fixes bug 132530.
- fix various crashes in the debugger. Fixes bug 137483.
- fix crash when editing a CSS area
- use the correct encoding in the file dialogs. Fixes bug 138343.
- don't lose upload profile settings in certain cases
- fix symlink handling in Project Rescan, New Project adding files/folders. Fixes bug 138107.
- do not set the current project mark to a project that could not be opened. Fixes bug 137186.
- allow closing of an untitled editor tab when an image is previewed inside. Fixes bug 134534.
- fix problems with the automatic backup system

Ratings & Comments



straightforward and it works. BUT when I tried to install it, it needed "kde-config", which does not exist. KDE needs to work on backward compatibility!


I agree! Quanta Plus is the only free software semi-WYSIWYG HTML-editor which does not destroy my code. I am utterly dependent on it. It is a great application, many thanks to the developers! I use KDE 3.5.10 so that I can use this and also the Konqueror from KDE 3.5, but am worried that KDE 3.5. may eventually no longer be supported by the distributions and hope that Quanta Plus can then still be used.


I tried to create a jquery plugin in quanta but it didn't work when I pressed the plugin I was informed it was not installed or not reachable. I used the configure plugins dialog box under settings to install it. It was installed to a folder in my home folder (I am using Fedora 17). I had copied all the uncompressed code from the jquery site into a file in gedit and called it jquery-1.8.0.js. Does anyone else use Quanta Plus for jquery?


I like quanta too! I use it very often (Poland)


Quanta is still mich in use, it would be nice if the one or the other developer would start working on it again. A port to KDE 4 would be of great help. I guess there are users enough that will support this, I would certainly.


Will there be an upgrade to kde4?


So then ... I think, its time for an Port to KDE4 / Qt4 Environment. :)


+1 I'd also like to see a KDE4 version of Quanta — it's an amazing website editing suite!


I always liked the interface of Quanta, which is very clear and with very useful features. I was quite impressed by several of them. I am a web developer and have Quanta at my office (the company only uses Linux), and used to use it during the 2 first weeks for developing 8 hours a day in PHP / HTML. But I had to give up : the features are great but the crashes very frequent. I can't have a software I can't rely on sufficiently (no software is perfect), especially at work. I hope the developer team will focus on bug fixing and intensive testing (crashes appear randomly, I can't report anything) so that the software becomes as great as it looks !


... it crashes on backspace e.g.


RPM for SLED 10: For GPG key, please look at the front page of my site.


We've updated the Ark Linux packages to 3.5.3. Ark Linux users apt-get install kdewebdev, others in need of RPMs may try their luck with


Stability has been great for me with KDE and Quanta. Quanta is a great editor that I use daily with my web development (particularly with PHP/HTML). I have been using SUSE Linux since SUSE version 9.1, and the included Quanta has never given me trouble.


I'm writing a lot PHP code at work. Me and my colleagues used to love Quanta. It was fast and had great syntax highlighting, type ahead and uses the far superior KDE file dialogs. But since 3.5.x everything has been going downhill and when I listen around the office I'm not the only complaining. Quanta crashes far too often (I'm not talking about VPL here but simple editing). From version to version (3.5.0, 3.5.1) I hope the situation improves after an update but unfortunately not. Some of my colleagues have switched to Kate, some to Zend and I have switched to Bluefish. It's sufficient but not great. I'm still missing Quanta but when you lose your work at least twice a day this is not an option for me right now. I suspect that too much work has gone into things only a few people use (VPL, Projects etc), but the basic editing stability has been neglected somewhat. I will try again with KDE4.


Quanta worked great in KDE 3.4.X but in KDE 3.5.0 strange things started to show up. For example when I am editing PHP document: if(xx){ echo $bla; } and if I select first { bracket second one is colored only when I move the scrolbar. The same things happens in Kate and Kwrite so I think this is Kwrite part problem. Has anyone the same problems? And If I select large part of the text sometimes only half of the line is showed as selected. This things happened in KDE 3.5.1 too. I must try KDE 3.5.2 now. This is on Gentoo.


You are right this is a Katepart problem, but AFAIK it is fixed in 3.5.2.


Great. I will try if the bug still exist by me. Probably tommorow but for sure on Friday. It depends when will ebuilds come into portage. BTW Quanta is great program. Thanks for making it.


For me there are still problems. The same bug as in KDE 3.5.


Report on for the Kate project.


The splash screen shows "Quanta+ 3.4" but the "About Quanta" dialog shows "Quanta 3.5 (Using KDE 3.5.0)". Do you confirm or is it something in my setup? I am running Debian unstable, compiled kdewebdev 3.5.0 from source.


Now that is strange. I just checked and the file in the SVN (from where the tarball was created) contains the 3.5 logo. I don't have the tarball itself though, but I will test it later. Please verify if your $KDEDIR/share/apps/quanta/toolbar/quantalogo.png shows 3.5 or 3.4. It should have a timestamp from 07-08-2005. Also be sure that you don't have KDE 3.4 and 3.5 installed in parallel and the 3.5 version does not pick the 3.4 data/config files. In that case you may see further problems, not only in Quanta.


Thanks for the indication. I had an old 'quanta-data' Debian package that didn't get purged with the rest of KDE 3.4.3. I removed it and now I have the proper logo. BTW, my quantalogo.png file dates from 2005-09-10.


a feature in NVU that I like is the ablility to open a 'web location' could this be added? thanks,


You mean open a file from http://..., or ftp://... ? That's possible since KDE2. Or to download a whole website? That's also possible since KDE2. If none of the above, please go to and describe your request as a wish item for Quanta.


thanks for the reply, it wasn't obvious to me as I was trying to open a url from within Quanta (which I quess is not doable)not Konqueror. Ancillary q - can I open a url from the command line (so to create a open button from within Firefox or Opera)? Or should I file a request? thanks,

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version 3.5.6
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