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Piklab is an integrated development environment for applications based on PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers. Supported compilers are: the Small Device C Compiler, the GNU PIC Utilities, the PICC compilers, the PIC30 toolchain, the C18 compiler, the JAL and JALV2 compilers, the CSC compiler, and the Boost compilers. Supported programmers are: ICD2, PICkit1 and PICkit2, PicStart+ and most "direct" programmers. Supported debuggers: ICD2 and GPSim. A command line programmer/debugger is also provided.
Last changelog:

0.15.12 (19 February 2012)
* added support for 18F2XK22/18F4XK22 [patch by Micheal Vrolijk]
* added support for 16F1829 and 16F1507 [patch by Gál Zsolt]
* added support for direct programming for 18F2XK22/18F4XK22 [with help from Micheal Vrolijk]
* fixed crashes in piklab-prog interactive mode

0.15.11 (14 December 2010)
* added icd2 programmer support for 24FJ128GA010 [with help from Anantha Krishnan]
* fix duplicate devices in "device-list" output [reported by Frans Pinkse]
* parse more errors from sdcc output [fix by Stefan Olsson]
* fix problem where lines were sometimes missed for compilation output c
* fix unfound ilike icons [fix by Stefan Olsson]
* correctly switch programmer when a different project is opened [reported by Gál Zsolt]
* add some missing configuration bits to 18F2550/4550 [patch by Joe Ciccone]
* fix crash when clicking on the project icon when no project is open [reported by Richard Bown]

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is there any chance to compile it on kde4"?


Hi, Can you tell me if this would be compatible: it says you connect it the serial port.... so i'm not sure if that's a 'direct programmer' Thanks alot! Ron


Install the libreadline5-dev package.


hi, i have this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lhistory collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[3]: *** [piklab-prog] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/piklab-0.14.0/src/piklab-prog' make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/piklab-0.14.0/src' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/piklab-0.14.0' make: *** [all] Error 2


Well, I have been using pikdev since version 0.5 and I've seen it getting bigger and better every new version. It is a hard work and a good work. Now I found piklab and I got confused, it seem to be a good work with a lot of improvements, and I think it could be better with some help. But it would be better if piklab and pikdev become a unique project... probably if Alain Gibaud didn't open a cvs repository it was because he just code and he don't know to administrate that kind of projects, some time ago I proposed him to translate pikdev into spanish, he said “yes it's a good idea” but nothing happened till I started to see the code an to put i18n() functions. I send it with the es.po file explaining what I did, he accepted it and nowadays pikev speaks more languages thanks to other helpers and we didn't have to start another project and it have been the same whit a lot of patches and improvements pikdev have had from earlier versions. Anyway I consider you should work together Alain Gibaud has a lot of experience developing an excellent IDE and Nicolas Hadacek has demonstrated to be a great programmer with a lot of fresh ideas and improvements. Just start working, and be sure you'll find a lot of helpers... maybe in the future you'll have an IDE where we could program more microcontrollers than only pics (atmel, intel, motorola... just a dream).


Good Work!! Now piklab compile also with SlackWare 10.2 But the Desktop file, don't make the voice on the Kde Menu. Maybe is missing the row, with the Categories. Like Categories=QT;KDE;Development;


thanks. I'll fix that.


I find it amusing what the original author said and what the reply was. Yes we all like keeping a project as our own but if you license it under the GPL there is a chance it will be forked if another party finds your code not to his/her standards. Ive looked at the source code to both projects and the later fork isnt a minor variation of the original project. This is a typical case of "dog in a mangor" and "lack of communications". If your going to have an open source project your going to have to learn how to "communicate" or get forked. Yes, Ive forked a project myself after banging my head against the wall. He then ran around saying I stole his code (it was BSD licensed) even though there was less than 30% of the original code left (I later re wrote all the code). To this day my stuff clobbers his old now stagnant project, this could have all be solved by "communication". As for the original author, well his code is GPL your welcome to take any improvements and add them to yours.


PiKlab has begun as a verbatim copy of PiKdev, which I created from scratch several years ago and maintained/improved during all this time. Technically speaking, Nicolas Hadacek has realized a fork of my program, which is published under GPL license. He has never proposed any contribution to my program, but just copy all the sources, icons, principles, and various files such as syntax highlight file. He has modified many files to satisfy his own taste about programming style, reorganize code, or to include code getted from various sources (his own production, or from lplab project: see As piklab has been realized without any discussion with me, (I discover it some weeks ago) I consider this behaviour very unfriendly, and a waste of energy because it leads to develop two programs with same purposes and very close interfaces. I would like to be very clear: the problem is not to reuse code, but to reuse it to release a *really* very similar software. (Just have a look at screenshots to understand what I mean). It would has been simpler and more efficient to propose improvements, but I suppose it was not enough for Mr Hadacek's ego, which is now the "author" of something. I dropped him emails and explained my mind. I supposed that, after having loot my code (v0.8.0) to build piklab v0.2, Mr Hadacek will create by his own, but I was wrong: I now discover this sentence in piklab v0.3 changelog : "incorporate some fixes from pikdev 0.8.2" (see this is quite clear: Mr Hadacek continue to pick what he needs in my code (as I just released version 0.8.4, so 0.8.2 was the most recent version when piklab 0.3 has been released). Any bug in programming engine? No problem, he just have to get fixes, and continue to claim to "support" internal programmer. Obviously a fork means a separation in two independant branches, but Mr Hadacek approach of fork is quite easy for him, I feel this approach intellectualy dishonest. I am tired by such a silly guy. Alain GIBAUD Author of PiKdev


Since the author of Pikdev presented his complains about Piklab in a public forum, this is a good opportunity for me to dispel several inaccuracies in his statement. >Technically speaking, Nicolas Hadacek has realized >a fork of my program, which is published under GPL license. >He has modified many files to satisfy his own taste about >programming style, reorganize code, or to include code getted from various sources From the current sources of piklab, a very conservative count of lines of code shows that only 42% is from pikdev. If the xml files are taken into account, this percentage is 26%. All the infrastructure that describes devices has been rewritten from scratch to be more flexible and complete. All the code for programming (except the code specific to direct programmers) has been rewritten to be more generic. The code for ICD2 has been written from scratch with input from "lplab" sources. The code for PICkit2, ICD2 debugging, device chooser, disassembly listing from coff, command-line programmer is completely original and new. Most of the code copied from pikdev has been heavily modified for my taste for usability and for extensibility. >I consider this behaviour very unfriendly, and a waste of energy >because it leads to develop two programs with same purposes >and very close interfaces. >It would has been simpler and more efficient to propose improvements I don't think it is a waste of energy but that's obviously only my opinion. I'm working very hard on piklab and the changes I made are neither trivial nor simple. I think that it would have cost lots of my time and energy to submit patches after patches to you, then discuss approval, modify them and so on... Besides that, when I contacted you eight months ago for proposing collaboration, you refused to setup a public CVS repository (even read-only) for pikdev. That seemed to be as the only way to go forward because of the amount of foreseen modifications. >I dropped him emails and explained my mind. I supposed that, >after having loot my code (v0.8.0) to build piklab v0.2 As a general rule, if you do not agree to share your sources and allow other developer to build another application from them, do not use the GPL. I should add that to my knowledge I always properly attributed the code to its respective authors. >this is quite clear: Mr Hadacek continue to pick what he >needs in my code (as I just released version 0.8.4, so 0.8.2 was the most recent >version when piklab 0.3 has been released). >Any bug in programming engine? >No problem, he just have to get fixes, and continue >to claim to "support" internal programmer. Those fixes are a few lines each. This is the nature of a fork. I advise you and the other interested readers to look at the following Wikipedia article: Very instructive. >Obviously a fork means a separation in two independant branches, >but Mr Hadacek approach of fork is quite easy for him The amount of work and added features of piklab simply proves this wrong. Once again I'd like to stress that my only goal with piklab is to provide PIC users with additional and useful features. And it is my opinion that up to now I accomplished that. Piklab is the first working programmer/debugger for ICD2 under Linux. It is also to my knowledge the first programmer for PICkit2 with a graphical interface. I advise potential or current users to try both programs and to see which one fits the best their needs.


I see that the problem come when i try to install it, on other directory for building a SlackWare package. $> make install DESTDIR=/tmp/package-piklabs But with a normal make install there is no problem.


I have a Compilation Problem in my Slackware 10.2, this is the compiler's output. /usr/bin/ginstall -c -p -m 644 ./hi16-app-piklab.png /tmp/package-piklab/opt/kde/share/icons/crystalsvg/16x16/apps/piklab.png /usr/bin/ginstall: cannot create regular file `/tmp/package-piklab/opt/kde/share/icons/crystalsvg/16x16/apps/piklab.png': No such file or directory make[3]: *** [install-data-local] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/tmp/piklab-0.2/src/data' make[2]: *** [install-am] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/piklab-0.2/src/data' make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/piklab-0.2/src' make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1


could you send me ( the complete compilation log. I don't have this problem here...

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version 0.15.12
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