Kim (Kde Image Menu)

Graphic Apps

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This is an image Kde servicemenu which allows to:
- compress images,
- resize images,
- convert images,
- rotate images,
- rename images,
- resize and send by mail images,
- and more other actions !
This servicemenu use ImageMagick and Mpegtools.
- Linux magzines published in its issue of May 2005 an article devoted to Kde Image Menu (Kim) ! (See
- Kim is now available for KDE 4.x!
Last changelog:

Release Kim4-0.9.5 (for kde >= 4.x):
- first available version for KDE 4.x!
Release kim-0.9.5 (for kde >= 3.3):
- auto-rotate images from EXIF informations.
Release kim-0.9.4 (for kde >= 3.3):
- create a html gallery works correctly (with portrait or landscape images).
- send by mail works correctly now!
Release kim-0.9.2 (for kde >= 3.3):
- create a "pí¨le-mí¨le" with your pictures (see for a demo),
- some bugs fixed ...
Release kim-0.9.1 (for kde >= 3.3):
- sort images by date (rename the images using EXIF informations),
- some bugs fixed ...
Release kim-0.9.0 (for kde >= 3.3):
- export in a gif animation,
- export in a flash slideshow for all image format now !(demo:,
- export in a html galery(demo:,
- and some improvements ...
Release kim-0.8.4 (for kde >= 3.3):
- Fix some bugs ...
Release kim-0.8.3 (for kde >= 3.3):
- Fix security issues by using temporary files,
- Fix UTF-8 encoding issues in desktop files,
- Fix copyrights and other licensing stuff.

Ratings & Comments



BUG Cant install this version


How to install?


9 Manjaro 20.1 (KDE): - install - sudo ./ - sudo pacman -S imagemagick - sudo pacman -S kdialog


9 9 excellent


Since the project is no longer maintained, I started a clone of it and started porting it to KDE5 under


9 thx


This is how to get KIM working on the latest version of KDE/Plasma Download as usual, extract the folder and instead of executing run the following commands: sudo cp src/kim_*.desktop /usr/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ sudo cp src/bin/kim_* /usr/bin/ sudo chmod a+rx /usr/bin/kim_* sudo chmod a+r /usr/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/kim_*.desktop sudo mkdir /usr/share/kim sudo cp COPYING /usr/share/kim/kim_about.txt sudo mkdir /usr/share/kim/slideshow/ sudo cp src/slideshow/* /usr/share/kim/slideshow/ sudo mkdir /usr/share/kim/gallery sudo cp src/gallery/* /usr/share/kim/gallery


Thank you for this script. Now it works works with dolphin.


gracias!!! funcionó!!!!


Please make a Dialoge-Field, where you can enter the size of the Border which should be added to the image. At the momemnt, you can only choose black or white border, but not the size!


Would be fine, if you'll add a option, to convert an ordinary jpg to an progessive loding one.


Befor, i still posted this Script, wich expand an image, keep ratio, and if Ratio not fit, add the background-colors to those edges are not ratio. This was the Script, you have saved to /usr/bin/kim_spread (and make chmod +x): #!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Charles Bouveyron <> # Created By Samuel Suther <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, U # # Author : Charles Bouveyron <> # Alessandro Faggiano <> # Mathieu Vilaplana <> # Raphaël Pinson <> FILE=""; SCALE="$1"; let "nbfiles = ($# -1) / 2" DIR="$2"; `kdialog --inputbox "Background-Color (HEX-Type: #ffffff):" #ffffff` COLOR=$? kdialog --title "Kim" --yesnocancel "Do you want to replace exisiting files ?" case $? in 0) # Replace exisiting files ! dbusRef=`kdialog --progressbar "Kim - Initialising ..." "$nbfiles"` qdbus $dbusRef showCancelButton true compteur=0 for i in "$@";do if [ -f "$i" ];then #test if cancel button has been pushed if [[ "$(qdbus $dbusRef wasCancelled)" == "true" ]] ; then qdbus $dbusRef close exit 1 fi let "compteur +=1" FILE="$i" convert "$FILE" -border 500 -bordercolor "#ffffff" -gravity Center -crop "$SCALE+0+0" +repage "$FILE" qdbus $dbusRef setLabelText "Kim - spreading file: `basename "$FILE"`" qdbus $dbusRef org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set org.kde.kdialog.ProgressDialog value "$compteur" fi; done qdbus $dbusRef close;; 1) dbusRef=`kdialog --progressbar "Kim - Initialising ..." "$nbfiles"` qdbus $dbusRef showCancelButton true compteur=0 for i in "$@";do if [ -f "$i" ];then #test if cancel button has been pushed if [[ "$(qdbus $dbusRef wasCancelled)" == "true" ]] ; then qdbus $dbusRef close exit 1 fi let "compteur +=1" FILE="$i" convert "$FILE" -border 500 -bordercolor "#fffffff" -gravity Center -crop "$SCALE+0+0" +repage "./resized_`basename "$FILE"`"; qdbus $dbusRef setLabelText "Kim - Resizing file: `basename "$FILE"`" qdbus $dbusRef org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set org.kde.kdialog.ProgressDialog value "$compteur" fi; done qdbus $dbusRef close;; 2) kdialog --title "Kim" --msgbox "The action was cancelled by user !" exit 1;; esac; If you've done, you have to add a new entry in the dolphin Service-Menu. This goes like this: vi /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/kim_convertandrotate Then add below the section [Desktop Action ConvCustom] your own new one: [Desktop Action ExpandRatio] Name=Expand Ratio ... Name[de]=Vergrößern & Hintergrundfarbe setzen (aspect Ratio) Icon=image Exec=kim_spread %U;


For some time, files converted from jpg to pdf have been much inflated : for example, a 600 Ko jpg file becomes a 5,5 Mo pdf file. It used to work well before, pdf size was the same than jpg size. I know that kim lies on imagemagick, but I do not know where to configure default settings of imagemagick. Or maybe, can one fix it in kim settings ? and how to do that ? Any idea ? Thanks for help.


does this work with newer versions of kubuntu? i can't seem to find and install with the services download new services option on dolphin in 13.04. tahsnk, jetpeach


Yes, it is working with the KDE 4. The 'Download New Services' is an optional - The last Kim update (Feb 23 2009) was before the 'Download New Services' was implemented. The kim4-0.9.5.tar.gz is available - You could download it and install it manually. The Kim4 is also available from the Ubuntu PPA repositories:


... and the Kim is under the 'KDE Graphic Tool' ( ). The 'Download New Services' is seeking things from the 'Service Menus' ( ) - I think ??


Been a fan of this app for years. It's simple, intuitive and just plain works.


Is there a package for ubuntu 12.04 somewhere ? If not could someone do one ? The latest i have found is for Hardy :


I love KIM, in fact I just installed it on my rebuilt LMDE + KDE 4.8.4 box because I realized I missed having it. I'm finding that I can find some wallpaper images that are 1680x1050 that I want to resize to 1440x900. It's a direct resize and I know I could just let KDE resize it on the fly but I like to have my wallpaper images sized for my screen in case a wallpaper change comes when I'm already pushing my CPU pretty hard. Would it be possible to add 1440x900 to the list of available image resize sizes?


Hy can you add support 3d files ? there is main .mpo format and very offen users convert it to anagliph : here is example and very nice if you add convert 3d avi video file (stereo) to anagliph. thanks


Hy i try install it from dolphin services menu - add new -> kim -> install = install ok but kim dont show...


same problem here. Everything was working fine until my last system update on arch. Everything seems to be installed correctly but the menu don't show up on right clic !


And here the excatly code to spread images.... Maybe insert it as own file (kim_spread in /usr/bin/): #!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Charles Bouveyron <> # Created By Samuel Suther <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, U # # Author : Charles Bouveyron <> # Alessandro Faggiano <> # Mathieu Vilaplana <> # Raphaël Pinson <> FILE=""; SCALE="$1"; let "nbfiles = ($# -1) / 2" DIR="$2"; `kdialog --inputbox "Background-Color (HEX-Type: #ffffff):" #ffffff` COLOR=$? kdialog --title "Kim" --yesnocancel "Do you want to replace exisiting files ?" case $? in 0) # Replace exisiting files ! dbusRef=`kdialog --progressbar "Kim - Initialising ..." "$nbfiles"` qdbus $dbusRef showCancelButton true compteur=0 for i in "$@";do if [ -f "$i" ];then #test if cancel button has been pushed if [[ "$(qdbus $dbusRef wasCancelled)" == "true" ]] ; then qdbus $dbusRef close exit 1 fi let "compteur +=1" FILE="$i" convert "$FILE" -border 500 -bordercolor "#ffffff" -gravity Center -crop "$SCALE+0+0" +repage "$FILE" qdbus $dbusRef setLabelText "Kim - spreading file: `basename "$FILE"`" qdbus $dbusRef org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set org.kde.kdialog.ProgressDialog value "$compteur" fi; done qdbus $dbusRef close;; 1) dbusRef=`kdialog --progressbar "Kim - Initialising ..." "$nbfiles"` qdbus $dbusRef showCancelButton true compteur=0 for i in "$@";do if [ -f "$i" ];then #test if cancel button has been pushed if [[ "$(qdbus $dbusRef wasCancelled)" == "true" ]] ; then qdbus $dbusRef close exit 1 fi let "compteur +=1" FILE="$i" convert "$FILE" -border 500 -bordercolor "#fffffff" -gravity Center -crop "$SCALE+0+0" +repage "./resized_`basename "$FILE"`"; qdbus $dbusRef setLabelText "Kim - Resizing file: `basename "$FILE"`" qdbus $dbusRef org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set org.kde.kdialog.ProgressDialog value "$compteur" fi; done qdbus $dbusRef close;; 2) kdialog --title "Kim" --msgbox "The action was cancelled by user !" exit 1;; esac;


I need to spread an image to another size, without to resizing it. So it can be done on this way: 1) Create a Border for the Image with same Backgroundcolor (would be fine, if your KIM-Border-Function had an inputfield to insert the size of the border!) 2) Croop the Image to the new Size Best way, you add this new feature to your KIM Programm to make all those steps with one klick. Click Spread-Image >> Enter needed Image-SIZE (must bigger as actual imagesize) >> Choose needed Color This are the lines, which made it: (Spread an image from 600x450 to 610x460) : mogrify -border 500 -bordercolor "#ffffff" test.jpg convert test.jpg -gravity Center -crop 610x460+0+0 +repage croped.jpg


I need to spread an image to another size, without to resizing it. So it can be done on this way: 1) Create a Border for the Image with same Backgroundcolor (would be fine, if your KIM-Border-Function had an inputfield to insert the size of the border!) 2) Croop the Image to the new Size Best way, you add this new feature to your KIM Programm to make all those steps with one klick. Click Spread-Image >> Enter needed Image-SIZE (must bigger as actual imagesize) >> Choose needed Color This are the lines, which made it: (Spread an image from 600x450 to 610x460) : mogrify -border 500 -bordercolor "#ffffff" test.jpg convert test.jpg -gravity Center -crop 610x460+0+0 +repage croped.jpg

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version 0.9.5 (KDE 4.x)
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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