Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:* The PlayList and the Collection(s) are the same thing.
* Yours is a Collection of Albums, nothing else[3].
* Some Albums are from the same artists and some are compilations[3].
* If you want an ephemeral playlist you could queue songs.
* If you want non-ephemeral playlists, then this player is not for you.
* Ability to search à la xmms, but in the same interface
* Skinneable.
* Tag reading and writing.
* Order you collection based on the tags[3].
* The collection discovers new files and adds them to the playlist on the fly[4].
* Be able to use all the program only with your keyboard (die, mouse, die!)
* Remebers collections and selected skin. This means we can also recover with a X session.
* python-qt4-phonon is a dep. This way we can run on unpatched systems.
* The complex skin doesn\'t show the time slide bar until it can be shown on an unpatched system.
* Fixed search.
Ratings & Comments
Why do you submit a new entry for every new version?
Maybe to appear in rss-feed?
I don't know how to do it in another way. I only find a 'new app' in 'my profile'. should I edit the app entry on each release?
Most other people seem to do it like that, yes.