Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The Scribus Team is pleased to announce the release of Scribus 1.4.4, as well as new partnerships with respect to newspaper publishing.
Scribus 1.4.4 is mostly a bugfixing release, but it also adds a number of new features, some of which are relevant for newspaper production.
It will likely be the last release in the 1.4.x branch, and the Scribus Team will from now on solely focus on the development of the next major version 1.6. We expect to make available a first alpha release (version number 1.5.0) in the course of 2014.
Most Important Changes
PDF/X-1a export.
The Barcode plug-in has been updated to reflect the latest changes in the underlying Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript (BWIPP).
The Autoquote script has been rewritten and enhanced. It now provides more options and adds thin spaces to French texts where appropriate.
A script to align images in frames has been added.
Full support of the OpenICC Directory Proposal (http://www.oyranos.org/wiki/index.php?title=OpenIccDirectoryProposal).
The handling of transparencies in Photoshop-generated TIFF files has been improved.
Page borders can now act as guides (and thus be used for snapping of items).
The CMYK color palette created by the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) for newspaper advertisements has been integrated into Scribus.
A new color palette for professional geographers has been added.
Export to various bitmap formats has been re-enabled on Mac OS X.
Several issues related to the user interface and canvas display have been resolved.
Adjustments for Windows 8.x.
An issue with the spellchecker, resulting in a crash, has been resolved.
Documentation and translation updates and improvements.
For a complete list of changes see: http://bugs.scribus.net/view_all_bug_page.php?filter=99610 and http://lists.scribus.net/pipermail/scribus-commit.
New Industry Partnerships with SCS and the NAA
The Scribus Team is honored and proud to proclaim a new partnership with a leading provider of newspaper systems, namely Software Consulting Services, LLC (http://www.newspapersystems.com), the co-inventor of QuarkXTensions. SCS is already offering a plug-in called ScrImLay, which is written in Python and licensed under the GPL. ScrImLay enables import of Layout-8000 geometry files into Scribus and offers the same functionalities as the respective plug-ins for InDesign and QuarkXPress. A comparison between the results in InDesign, QuarkXPress and Scribus can be found here: http://bit.ly/1cBVcdC.
Scribus is also being supported for ad building from within SCS's CAS/CDS (Community Advertising Services/Community Display Services) application.
SCS will not only promote Scribus and support customers willing to migrate, but also contribute to the development of Scribus itself.
With almost 40 years of experience in building trusted newspaper systems, a credible history of open source contributions since 1991, and a proven track record with respect to new technologies, SCS is looking forward to create the next generation of newspaper software in cooperation with the Scribus Team.
Thanks to the efforts of SCS, Scribus 1.4.4 is being shipped with the latest version of the CMYK color set created and recommended by the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) for newspaper printing. This is another "first" for Scribus, comparable to being the first program to support PDF/X-3, as Scribus is, at this juncture, the only DTP software that provides the latest version of the official NAA color set.
Ratings & Comments
i think that one of the most needed features is a nice support for creating tables (including multipage ones)
This is the most niggly thing I find about Microsoft Office and OpenOffice, that I would like to see here: could you make it so that, when you click-drag an object, could you set it to actually show the object being moved, rather then a dotted outline? It's already much better then MS Office and OpenOffice, in that when you stop dragging, the object actually lands where you dragged it. Good work so far - keep it up! My mother's still using Windows for Serif's PagePlus - it would be nice to be able to replace it. Thanks a bunch.
Hi, I was using the 64-bit version that was shipped with Mandriva PowerPack 2008.0. It worked perfectly, was very stable. Now I updated to Mnadriva PP 2008.1, and Scribus crashes every now and then without any reproducable reason. Always Signal #11. Also, I often do the following: copy a text frame, then edit the text therein. However, when I save it, the text gets lost. So I have to enter the whole thing again. Now I just delete the text in the box (there's no way around), then save it, then write fresh. I'm sure this is not meant, but it seems it doesn't work in any other way.
Which version of Scribus is installed ? Where did the rpm come from ?
Please update the screenshot. If I saw this I would never download it. The fact is that Scribus has beautiful UI now, please flant it a little ;)
Hi, thanks for this great application. Now it's in 1.3.4, please update screenshots (based on 1.1.1!!). package has broken dependencies, requires newer stdlibc, etc., than what is available on Sid! I installed the 1.3.4 (scribus-ng) which does not have this problem.
Please visit http://debian.scribus.net for info on getting updated packages for Scribus.
Well for those of you lucky enough to afford licenses for Quark and Photoshop I guess it must be difficult to get used to open source tools designed for some serious work. I have a work around - use abiword to get your text right then paste it into your text box in Scribus. That's what I do. Scribus is a great tool and in combination with other applications very effective. As for GIMP - I know it has limitations but then you can use Blender, Inkscape and Krita in combination with GIMP to do everything you can imagine. It is not a joke at all it is a brilliant application. So by using my brain I am able to be very productive with open source software. I have no desire to spend £400 on a license so the I can make a glass orb with reflections in CMYK when I can just combine different tools to achieve this.
I worked several years with desktop publishing and prepress, using almost all softwares (Quark, Pagemaker, Indesign, etc.) and even the simple one (maybe Pagemaker) had a text undo option. Is sad that version after version of Scribus is released without this very simple feature. I hope that one day we have really professional applications in this area. (Gimp is a joke and Scribus cannot compare to Indesign of Quark). Sorry.
I worked several years with desktop publishing and prepress, using almost all softwares (Quark, Pagemaker, Indesign, etc.) and even the simple one (maybe Pagemaker) had a text undo option. No, Pagemaker does not have an undo - except for one step - for all functions. Moreover, real layout pros do not edit text in a layout app. They compose in a text editor or word processor then import. Is sad that version after version of Scribus is released without this very simple feature. You obviously missed Windows > Action History. A quick at your comments shows a :troll
"Pros don't edit text in the layout application..." Please, you know that is not true. Windows > Action History, undo the text box not the text itself. What's wrong with Ctrl-Z to undo misspelled text, like any other application? Instead of calling people trolls you need to learn to live with critics.
The open-source philosophy: lots of small, specialized applications. This is specialized for getting the layout right. Other programs are specialized for getting your words right. Using lots of individual, specialized tools is how Linux has become far better then Windows. Besides, if I remember correctly, there's a universal undo button on all keyboards. Let me check... Oh yes, it's still there. It's called, "Backspace". Thirdly, if you're going to mock a developer's work, don't expect them to do what you want. You're talking to people - volunteers, mostly - not some big company that you can yell and scream at until you get what you want. Maybe if you ask nicely, he'll give you a refund.
A Slackware 11.0 package with SlackBuild is ready to download! http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=29&func=fileinfo&id=489
sweet version 1337 :)
scribus- scribus-debuginfo- scribus-devel- at http://home.scarlet.be/raoul.linux/ under DOWNLOAD section ( My SuSE RPM's )
We have a complete Suse repo for i586 and x86_64 for Suse 9.3+ and even SLED 10 here: http://software.opensuse.org/download/home:/mrdocs/ These rpms are designed to smoothly upgrade any Suse install.
Ok , I take note of your information and add your link to my perso page http://home.scarlet.be/raoul.linux/ Thanks
A Slackware 11.0 package is ready to download! http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=29&func=fileinfo&id=489
rounded corners are in the shape part of the properties dialog if that helps
But it's still impossible to round, say, bottom-left corner only.
After finding out my segfault, I gave Scribus a try of, well, 2 minutes. I checked if I could set up the last document I created in InDesign by Scribus without major design changes. The result: It is not possible yet, though the infrastructure of Scribus looks good. Two things: (1) Rectangles with rounded corners are missing (2) overlay effects are missing. Currently I can just declare the tint amount to a certain percentage. What I'd like is to chose between different types of overlays: multiply, screen, darken, lighten, intensity and so on. Just my 2 cents.
2. Is already in 1.3.4cvs. The transparency effects with both layers and objects are very powerful and allow most every blend style you can think of.
Any idea what#s wrong? scribus dies immediately after showing the splash for a 10th second: Scribus ist abgestrzt ------------- Absturz durch Signal #11 Calling Emergency Save I used: o The suse 10.1 rpm from the sf.net page o selfcompiled sources both have the error. Or is it just my suse install???