are those gDesklets displaysthat you are using for you weather and launchers? If so, how did you manage to get gDesklets working, I haven't been able to get it going.
Well you have to install the .bin file that comes with the theme and then run,
gdesklets /path/to/theme/.display
If it dont run then try gdesklets --tray-icon
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are those gDesklets displaysthat you are using for you weather and launchers? If so, how did you manage to get gDesklets working, I haven't been able to get it going.
Well you have to install the .bin file that comes with the theme and then run, gdesklets /path/to/theme/.display If it dont run then try gdesklets --tray-icon
I get the error message, cannot import name gconf.
Woah man howd u get T2 running on linux?
By buying it as it's a native version. :-)
What's T2 ? :>
Tribes 2