ThinKeramik Colour Scheme & Settings
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I have included an install script, but if it doesn't work, instructions are included in the tar archive in the file "instructions"
Well, enjoy this as many have...
22/08/03 - Changed colours slightly:
whiter buttons, slight variation on the button prelight colour, darker button and window text(still blue though) lighter scrollbars and scroll buttons.
23/08/03 - Better titlebar and titelbar text colours, darker window text, black button text (looks better for scroll buttons, a LOT better), suggestions for pre-light.
1/09/03 - Slightly blue buttons,text is all black, except selected item text. Overall look is a lot crisper. Added install script and panel background (silver
Ratings & Comments
if it was a PATENT i'd be in trouble, but he cant copyright the colours, just the content file.
mr. gates has copyright on the WinXP color scheme. Your color scheme is the same as the xp one. Anyway keep on trying that's not so bad...
what? he can't have copyright on the colours them selves, because I haven't used any part of his files or anything...do you mean the name?(silverblue)Anyway its not the same as the XP theme. For a start the text isnt blue in XP and the buttons dont highlight yellow. My window bg colour is grey, his is beige...I haven't copied XP here and that wasn;t my intention! but.. thanks for the warning anyway....Billy Gates can kiss my ass though, I invented this colour schem, its diff from his :)
Finally I updated my thinkeramik and tried your setings. Looks cool!! I think it would be great if you put a screenshot. Thanx:)
Done! :)