madpenguin's "simply splendid" scheme
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Ratings & Comments
Now, all you need to do is add an icon theme to go with called, "Omega Man"!
Haaaaaa Haaaaaaa. Not too many younger folks may appreciate the title Soylent Green, but the few old kogers around here do. Background: Soylent Green was a 70's movie about the US having a shortage of beef due to a disease I beleive, so meat was scarse. That is of coarse except if you bought your meat at Soylent Green. They would go around the neigborhoods looking for their victims and then collect them in their trash trucks, then take them to be processed for butchering and then eventual sale. "Watch what you eat, it might be me!" Hee hee. Eric
And let us not forget that classic :wumpscut: track of the same name with that classic SG sample.