Description: My first time giving back. The Atlas Green color scheme wasn't green enough for me. I'm slowly working on a "shaker color" theme (though I need to get it to look more "country" and less "Christmasy").
Feel free to ask about any of the other bits and pieces you see. Just about everything else is from somewhere else on (except my wallpaper which is a pic I took in Rome)
I especially like the neutral gray green you chose as the window background and let the smaller elements do the highlighting.
p.s. looks good with Qt curve (as does everything ;) )
Ratings & Comments
I especially like the neutral gray green you chose as the window background and let the smaller elements do the highlighting. p.s. looks good with Qt curve (as does everything ;) )
Thanks. I was getting pretty tired of the usual white or gray windows. Glad you enjoy it. I'll have to try it with the deco you mention.