Lindows 4
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well lets start on this lindows is based on DEBIAN am i right ok so for all you that put lindows down need to remember lindows is still LINUX and for your info im running lindows 4 with kde 3.1.4 and gnome and everything else you might think so in my book its not that bad and win4lin blows vmware out of the water i wouldnt use it but i have to for work ... please dont put down lindows untill you really see where linux is going lindows = Future of linux go on bash all you want but lindows is as good as any other distro out there tell me one thing you can do on your distro of linux and i have already done it in lindows (Lindows Rocks) its here to stay Get used to it
I find it amusing that the titlebar caption for the Windows Me window is "Lindows". They really are out to repackage everything as their own innovations. ;)
wow... worst of both worlds is more like it. You managed to pair one of the worst linux distros (IMHO) with the worth windows edition (in pretty much everyone's opinion). Plus there is really nothing new you are showing here. I have run versions of windows inside linux for years now using VMware, although I am pretty much phased out any need for this now and just stick to linux.
umm... ignore all my typos :) I want an edit button.
Well, but Lindows is sponsoring at least. So let's give them a point for that ;-)
I give Lindows credit for successfully marketing themselves in a positive light--to audiences who aren't fundamentally opposed to everything they do, I mean--even when what they're actually offering is little more than what many others already offers plus a higher price tag, some UI tweaks, and a generous helping of marketing fluff.