Creature Folders Icons
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
if we cannot install the icons directly then how r we suppose to install please reply, i really like the icons but dont know how to install it
It's time-consuming hard work. First, let's see how you can install it for a single user. 1. Create a directory for the iSimple icon theme: mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/icons/isimple/{16x16,32x32,48x48,64x64}/{actions,apps,devices,filesystems,mimetypes} 2. Create an index.theme for it. The simplest way to create an index.theme is to first copy the index.theme of crystalsvg into ~/.kde/share/icons/isimple and then edit it. You edit it by changing the Name field to iSimple and changing the Comment to something like Icon Theme by Dirceu Veiga, Fast Icon Studio. Delete the translations of Name and Comment. 3. Populate ~/.kde/share/icons/isimple by copying Dirceu's icons into the appropriate subdirectories. 4. Rename the icons using standard KDE icon names, e.g. change the name of home.png to kfm_home.png in the apps directory and to folder_home.png in the filesystems directory. You can make the icon theme available system-wide by copying the isimple directory from ~/.kde/share/icons into KDE's icon directory, which may be in /opt/kde/share/icons or /usr/share/icons depending on which Linux distribution you use.
Oi Dirceu, tem planos de compartilhar com a gente os ícones Green Ville? Hi Dirceu, do you think about share with us the Green Ville icons?
oi Tosta, tudo certo? Sim, quero compartilhar todos os nossos ícones freeware no kde. Abração.
How to install? thx yours Tim J. Peters (Germany)
You can't install this icon theme as it is. It lacks and index.theme and its icon names don't comply with standard KDE icon naming. Still it is beautiful, isn't it?
Firefox says, Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked. Konqueror says, An error occurred while loading Found a cyclic link in
I have just found an alternative download site:
Now it works. Thanks for fixing it.
Nice work. I'm waiting for the complete set :)
Great icons. Looking forward to seeing a full KDE icon set.
in my opinion it's realy nice! - any chance to see a complete kde icon set of it in the near future?! greetz
wow, thats a nice one :-) its not my style, but i like its "perfectness" :-) good work honey
Is GPL or Freeware? :D Nice work...
Hi Reinaldo. Is under GPL. thanks for your comment.