Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
If you would like to see where I got most of the icons then check out this site...
Jimmac - http://jimmac.musichall.cz/
For more info check out the README file...
Original Art By - Jakub "Jimmac" Steiner
NEWS: (09.13.05) well that didn't last very long? Momo where are you???
ok so it seems I back to hosting them
NEWS: (02.23.05) Momo has offered to host both Gorilla & Korilla, so for the time being both will stay up on kde-look. If anyone out there would like to start a rework on these projects, just let me know... Thanx Momo!
NEWS: (02.22.05) I feel this theme has out grown it's usefulness and since I no longer use KDE "at least not as my main Desktop" I feel it is pointless for me to continue hosting it. Plus I would rather use the web space for other things...
So if there are no objections, in a weeks time I will be removing Gorilla, Korilla, and all other related projects from my personal space & kde-look...
If someone would like to take on the burden of hosting & maintaining these works then please, drop me a line...
P.Yavitz - systemx@comcast.net
v1.4 - Made almost all of the Action Type Icons (Toolbars) SVG and also changed and added a few new ones to the list.
This release is kinda a beta version of what is to come. Don't expect it to be as complete looking as v1.3.5. Expect to see some bugs! Also this release doesn't come with a Extras or KDM folder. Feedback would be nice, Thanx... (New Screenshot #3)
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
I look forward to the finished product. What Windeco is that in the screenshot?
cannot download from the download links.
fixed! sorry about that
For what it's worth, your work was a great addition to the look and feel of many desktops over the last few years. Hopefully we will see more great works come from you in the future that will spawn all the creative influx that the Gorilla/Korilla themes did.
Gorilla is back and looks cooler than ever! Good Job!
The icons are gorgeous. They liven up my desktop at work. Well done. =)
the icons from the top menue in konquerer dont fit very well,the half of the icons are not visible,seems like they are posted too much down.
could I have an example please..? screenshot?
Have same problem. Icons on konqueror toolsbar have an ugly offset, also some little icons like little home icon. It's possible to fix it? Another question, where is the non-SVG version? I found it weeks ago but now it has dispeared ! non-svg works fine, but svg version have dthe problem i explained above. Althoug, really good work ! Sendo ;)
The original can still be downloaded above. Right below the SVG download.... About these offset icons. I think i know exactly what you are talking about. I have seen it happen with SVG icons before in KDE. Unfortunatly there is little I can do to fix it, unless I can see a screenshot from atleast some of you who are having this problem. You can email me the screenshot at this address - gorillaonkde@comcast.net Also if you could please include the Distro you are using the version of KDE you have that would be great. Thanx!
I my good ! Some times i'm too confused (?¿? despistado), I didn't see it. I'll send you a screenshot when I remeber which program does it, jeje. tx for all.
Oh yeah !! Was waiting for that ! :)) Thank you so much ! :)
Could you add icons for programs used by scientists? Lyx and Mathematica for example. Thanks a lot!
Is it possible to modified the font to add somme french accent like:
I'm pretty new to KDE, so bear with me. I am curious as to what "Style" theme your using in the screenshot. I read some of the posts from other users but didn't get much out of it in terms of help. Also, in the latest package of your icon set, there is not a fonts directory located in /Gorilla/extras/. I can find the TTF font on my own if you don't mind telling me the name of the font you're using for the icon description on the desktop. Thanks
The Font is called Child's Play. If you would like, you can download it from here. TrueType Fonts http://www.starsurvivor.net/linux/gorilla/TrueTypeFonts.tar.bz2 The archive also comes with a few other fonts I like and use...
Sorry..! The style I am using in the above screenshots is called ThinKeramik. Inside the Extra's Directory you can also find the colorscheme I use with it...
If I might post a wish: I'd like to see a nice memory stick icon if possible... ... oh, and thanks for the small folder_video icon... I missed that before :-)
where can I get that nice looking background from the screenshots
I got it at Linuxcult... Here it is --- > http://linuxcult.com/gallery/entry.show.php?s=&entryid=457 Here is the same thing, but blue --- > http://linuxcult.com/gallery/entry.show.php?s=&entryid=463
Hello again, If it's not an inconvenience, will it be possible for you to create Gorilla theme icons for Kmplayer and Juk? Thanks for your great work. Regards, Mystilleef
Yea, No problem I will add a KMplayer icon in the next releases. As far as making a JUK icon, there already is one... I am thinking about making a better one for it though? Maybe that will be in the next release too? Thanx!
First of all, I need to commend you on an excellent job. Gorrilla is one of the reasons I visit this site regularly. Now to the questions. Theres a new folder in extras called kside. What does it do and how do I install it? Do I need to reinstall splash again? There's also a directory called kdm in Gorrilla, do I just leave it their, or do I need to move it somewhere to make use of it. Also bundling all the themes into one directory confuses me. For example, I don't know whether I need to reinstall the splash, color-schemes and so on. I don't know the exact theme changes has been made to. And I'm lazy, I would hate to reinstall all the themes that changes haven't been made to. I think it will better if only icons updates where made here, while other updates where made in the other relevant sections. For the new users, bundling it is great, but for the old users, it can be confusing. Once again, great job! Regards, Mystilleef
What is KSide? The kside image is the image on the side of yr KMenu... To install the Gorilla kside images create two folders. Create a folder called "kicker" in /$HOME$/.kde/share/apps/ and then inside the "kicker" folder create another one called "pics". Now put these two images "kside.png & kside_tile.png" inside the /kicker/pics/ folder. Now just restart yr kicker and you will see the new Gorilla Kside image. What do I do with the KDM folder? The new KDM folder has three images inside it. You can use these images as your "User Images" if you are using KDM to login into KDE. To use them, copy them over to yr /kdm/pics/user/ directory and then use your KDE Control Center Module / Login Manager to select them. KDM folder in Slackware - /opt/kde/share/apps/kdm/pics/users KDM folder in Redhat & Mandrake - /usr/share/apps/kdm/pics/users KDM folder in Suse 8.2 - /opt/kde3/share/apps/kdm/pics/users About me bundling all these different things into the icon theme. I do it for yr convenience... I do it so people can have the most gorillafied desktop possible... Next time I will add a more detailed README file to the archive. Inside the README file I will put when each extra was updated and what version it is. I hope that will help with the confusion... NOTE - All the extras inside the archive are the same versions that are found in the other categories on kde-look. Thanx!