Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The original Gartoon Gnome Icon Theme can be found @ http://zeus.qballcow.nl
Please view the README file for details
Thank you Chris, for hosting the files...
(UPDATE: 01.31.05)
It's come to my attention that Zeus is starting work again on Gartoon and should be releasing a new version not to far down the road. Once released I will start again on the set and hopefully be able to fill some of the gaps...
v1.3 - More icons added & updated. Full PNG version is now avialable...
v1.2.1 - Working on finishing up the Action icons. All View & Window icons added, among others...
NOTE: It seems I have mistakenly removed the redo icon from the actions folder. For a quick fix go into Gartoon/scalable/actions and copy as-new "rotate_cw.svg" to "redo.svg". That should fix the problem until the next release. Sorry for the trouble...
v1.2 - Added several new Action icons, cleaned up the Kmenu and split Gartoon & Gartoon Blue into two different themes.
v1.1 - Updates, Replacements, & Additions.
v1.0 - First release! Ported from "Gartoon
Ratings & Comments
Yep, dead on all get some search page: Nasland.nu Find it here Well I can't find Gartoon ICON set anywhere there! ;)
the link isn't working anymore
...how come I can't get openoffice application ooo_*.svg to use these icons??!! Thanks
beats me :D
can i use your icons on my Gnome? just wondering. And if not is there any other 'Gartoon' package that may work on my computer? thanks
when you will be to launch a new version of its icones informs to me to make one better splash:) I wait that you it has liked? I did not have time to consult you but I wait that it does not have no complication?
I love your Gartoon Blue icons. Just one question... which style are you using? I see that the Window decoration is MKUltra. Keep up the great work!
the kstyle is ThinKermaik and the kwin is Active Heart...
Thanks for the png version!!! Works fine now!!
i realy like your icons as i sead above...but there are few icons missing like: kppp, kopete, quanta, etc..more of them...could you make these icons in your next release plsss? tnx
i installed the png version and it works great. i have kde 3.3.1 and it stalled with svg. i just installed krystaline svg with no problems, and crystal svg works. the only other set that i had this problem with was reinhardt. any idea?
Well, for starters CrystalSVG isn't a true SVG icons set, it is a PNG set that was made from SVG icons. Krystaline is both, it seems to have just has many svg icons as png icons in the set and I think by default KDE uses png before svg, so it would make sense that yr system would'nt crash using that... As for why you are having problems? I really could'nt tell you that, maybe you could file a bug report w/ the ksvg team? I was once told by one of the ksvg developers, that the reason ksvg is so flaky, is because people don't file bug reports... Personally I would rather KDE ditch Ksvg alltogether and start using Librsvg in it's place. It renders icons allot better... Or atleast give the option to use it during compile time..?
Great icon set! Goodbye Crystal!!!!
good job! looks really nice!
Okay, so it appears that when I went into the kmenu, it tried to render one/many of the icons in the sub menu. At that point my computer utilized 100% cpu. I had to Alt+F2 to get to anothy tty to check the processes running. It kdeinit that was using the cpu. So, unfortunately I can't use these until they are png or the problem is resolved. Btw, I'm using Mandrake 9.2, KDE 3.1, Kernel 2.4.22-10mdk.
KDE 3.1.x will not render these icons correctly, nor will 3.2.x in some cases. At the moment I am looking for someone to host the png version(s)...
I saw that in your post, I just wanted to give you some detailed information about what happened. I could always use ksvgtopng in the meantime to convert everything over to png. You could always include a script that uses ksvgtopng in your release so that people could just convert your icons to png if they needed to as well. If I make one, I'll email it to you.
I already have a script that converts the icons, I actually found it on kde-look. SVG 2 PNG 4 KDE Script(s) http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=10055 SVG2ICONS Script http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=6913 I use the SVG2PNG4KDE one...
im using 3.3.1 and im getting the same problem. i had to manually delete the icons and it defaulted to crystal before i could use my computer again.
I've found a new favorite. I can't wait until the last few actions are added. And apps look very complete.
very nice icon set... could you tell me whats the wallpaper that you are using?
I got it at, Pixelgirl Presents - http://pixelgirlpresents.com/images/desktops/design_chapel/00_b_1280x1024.jpg
I like it, nice iconset... maybe you should rename it to Kartoon, just to keep things kdeish ;)?