Crystalline Black (Toolbar icons)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
(Green: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=23361 )
(Blue: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=24667)
I actually like a little more black in KDE's icons (like in the Oxygen icon theme).
Extract the folder and move it in your $KDEDIR/share/icons folder. Open Control centre and go to appeareance and icons and choose Crystalline Black. It is based upon Crystal SVG.
0.4 - Say hello to the all new Crystalline Black 0.4 Complete
* This new complete set consists of the navigation icons, the tab and view icons and the magnifying glass icons
* There is also an alternative 'essential' set with just the navigation icons
* With the next release I will clean up the new view_* icons, because I'm not completely satisfied with them
0.3 - minor modifications on the action icons
* new previous/next icons are standard now
* new player_record action icon
* updated the extragear package with a new custom kmenu icon and the all new viewmag icons (feedback needed)
* added an experimental package with 2 experimental icons, that are not action icons
0.2 - added an extragear package:
* New 1*arrow icons
* locationsbar_erase icon (48x48 is missing in KDE)
* previous/next icons as in Crystal SVG
* Classic reload button
0.1 - initial release
Ratings & Comments
I love em so much that I made an Amarok Superkaramba controller with them. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=48256&vote=good&tan=34779768
Cool! That widget looks great ;-)
i have utilized some in my konq toolbar. I mix em with the mono icon set cause you have not made a zoom in, zoom out, search, storage media, new tab, new window, etc. I'm sure you have a list yourself. I'm looking forward to using all crystalline on my konq bar. Thanks for all the others by the way!!!
These are absolutly brilliant! These are the most refreshing icons I've seen here for a while. I have a request though, is there any chance of a black kmenu icon as well? That would be the icing on the cake! :D
Thanks. That's pretty funny, because I already made one, but didn't upload it, because I wasn't sure. But now, with the next update, I will add the icon as well :)
These are nice. However I note that the "next" & "previous" icons are not the same as the current CrystalSVG icons.
I'm actually aware of that. It is even intentionally, that previous and next are the same as back and forward. Because I hate them in CrystalSVG (look at KMail's toolbar, they don't fit) *lol*. But what really bugs me is that 1leftarrow and 1rightarrow don't fit into Kicker (Hidden tray icons and hide kicker icons). So I will likely replace these two :) Nevertheless, thank's for your feedback.
Please feel free to design something else and submit them as a possible replacement. However, it is necessary that "previous" not be the same as "back" and that "next" not be the same as "forward" since all four of them might appear on a toolbar and then there is a problem.
No problem ;-) Added an extragear package, so everyone can pick what he prefers.
All I can say is "Thank you". It makes things look so much better. The new reload button is a true thing of beauty by the way.
These look much better then the kde's defualt toolbar icons ;).
Thank you very much ;-)