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Wasp Icons for KDE (SVG & PNG)

Originally released on Gnome as apart of the Gnome Themes Extras Project.

Originally Worked by: Christian Schaller & Matthew McClintock

Converted, Modified, & Added to by: P.Yavitz

For more info view the README file.

NOTE: This theme comes with lots of wasp extras, Color-schemes, Ksplash's, Wallpaper, GDM themes, & more... Just check the EXTRA.SPECs file for details...



SuSe 9.0 Users May have trouble with the SVG icons not displaying correctly in KDE. If you are having this problem then use the FULL PNG Version.
Last changelog:

03.01.05 - Theme now hosted by Stefan. Thanx allot!

Color Schemes - Most of the color-schemes have been updated & adjusted. View the README...

v2.6.1 - (SVG) - (04.01.04) Minor bug fix release. (3.2.1 rendering trouble) I also added several new colors-schemes and a few new icons...

v2.6 - (PNG) - (03.07.04) OK! Here it is, the long waited full PNG version... Enjoy! < -- "this is me eating my words"

v2.6 - (SVG) - (03.07.04) - This should have been released a while ago, but I just never got around to it, so here it is.

NOTE: I have decided to not release anymore FULL PNG VERSIONS. Sorry, but i just don't have the time to put another one of those together. If someone else would like to do it, I would be glade to release it on this page...

Ratings & Comments



I really like your icons... except the guy who is surfing the web. I find it out of place and below your standards so to speak. Otherwise great work!


your icons make my kde rock like biohazard. just one little thing. _please_ add more icons ;)


[bart@localhost bart]$ sim art_render_new: x0 >= x1 (x0 = 0, x1 = -32) ERROR: Communication problem with sim, it probably crashed. [bart@localhost bart]$ KCrash: Application 'sim' crashing... sim-icq dosen't like wasp icons... very weirdo!


I have an old version of SIM installed and it seems that it does crash when using the SVG version of WASP. Don't ask me why, because I don't know, but I am looking into it. If SIM is yr messenger of choice then i would suggest just using the full PNG version, thats why it's there... For the record the problem really isn't the icons, the problem is KSVG. It just doesn't seem to render icons correctly sometimes and in my opinion is still really in it's infancy. I would say the KSVG Developers really need to take a lession from Gnome Developers when it comes to SVG rendering on the desktop. But then again, I am sure the problem is "BUG REPORTS" and the lack there of. If more people would submit these bugs to the KSVG team we could get these little SVG problems fixed and in the long run have a more productive and error free KDE... "Just a thought?"


I've tryied using the png version and it still crashes. I'll try to compile sim 0.9.3


UPGRADE: I compiled & installed the latest release of SIM v0.9.3, and the error and crashing stopped. So may I suggest that you do the same and then tell me if the problem continues... Thanx!


I'll try, thanks


I've always liked BeOS icons and this theme just rocks! thank you very much.


Hey I've had no problems with your latest release of icons, using KDE 3.2.1 on Gentoo Linux using Kernel 2.6.3. These icons are amazing, i'm an old BeOS fan myself used to own a BeBox 133 back in the day. Keep up the good work. Can't say why these other people are having problems. Go souce distros or go away with errors.


Hi, konqueror crashed as filemanager when using right click on a folder. I'm running kde-3.2.1 under Fedora Core 1. Apart from that, the icon set looks really great! regards Olaf


I was hoping for a full PNG release to fix the bug with the kicker icons. I tried 2.6 with kde 3.2 and the icons sill look too funny. I'm I the only one that has this problem?


What Distro do you use?


I'm running slackware current, with the KDE 3.2 slackware packages. I put an image here: As you can see, the icons are larger with the svg version and the edges don't appear as sharp.


Gotcha! There is no fix for that as far as i know. The same thing happens on my Slackware Current box aswell.. But since you commented so quickly about me not releasing another PNG version, I decided to throw another one together... By the time you read this, it should be on the site. Enjoy!


Downloaded this set today. They are a pleasure to use: colourful simplicity. However, the extras (icewm decs etc) seem to be missing?


I just downloaded and checked the archive and everything seems to be in order. However with this release i did end up removing some odds & ends from the extras directory. Stuff I did'nt think was worth keeping...


well..wasp is great i use it since the first version but i would _really_ like to see _more_ mimetype icons! I also miss some filesystem icons(e.g. the shredder for kgpg) if you would add this wasp would be perfect.


What name of the desktop font?


it's called 'childs play'


These are sweet! I only have two small criticisms: 1) The toolbar "close" button looks too much like a plus sign for me, it's confusing. 2) The Be, Inc logo on the KDE menu is cute, but it's not really BeOS. And, I'm sure that logo is still trademarked by somebody (Palm.) Thanks for the great icons.


the kmix icon that gets docked into the ksystray needs some serious work. Am I the only one who thinks that particular icon looks like hell? Other than that, I really dig the Wasp!! Beers!


these icons are from BeOS / Zeta but i see no reference to that... See Copyright?


These icons are the Original work of Matthew McClintock & Christian Schaller. Check out the archive...


Is there anyway of using that proper kmenu instead of that red curly thing? Great work other than that. thanks


There are 3 Kmenu icons included, you have to change it manually to use the other two...

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version 2.6.1
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