Korilla v1.3.5 (Kool Gorilla)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The rework of Jimmac's Gorilla theme with blue colors was originally done by Justin (defendguin) and converted to KDE by P.Yavitz
Original Art By - Jakub "Jimmac" Steiner
NEWS: (09.13.05) well that didn't last very long? Momo where are you???
ok so it seems I back to hosting them
NEWS: (02.23.05) Momo has offered to host both Gorilla & Korilla, so for the time being both will stay up on kde-look. If anyone out there would like to start a rework on these projects, just let me know... Thanx Momo!
12.23.03 - Server Update
v1.3.5 - Very minor update! I added a few new mime types and device icons...
Ratings & Comments
perfect icons! ..and that blog of yours too :) requesting play, stop etc. icons there are some bugs in colors of actions i will eventually take care about them later this month, do you have some hi-def source?
This is the icon theme I always find myself coming back to. It is just brilliant. In fact I also love the look of the whole desktop and panel in the preview photos. Think I'll have to track down that cool font!
Congratulations, this iconset is brilliant ! I also have a request... Could someone please tell me what is the desktop font used in the preview ? Thanks a lot
i love it. 4 stars !
Most likely they are using Plastik.
That ain't Plastik. The question had already been answered just prior to your comment.
Hi! Wich windows decoration is it?? It is too nice!
It's called KIndustrial... But I don't think the guy ever made a version for KDE 3.2 though? Damn shame too, because it's one of my favorite KWin Theme's...
I like this set very much, thx for your work! only a small change would be a nice improvment: blueish folder icons ...
Allot of people have been asking about this... About adding bluefolders to Korilla. I have also been pondering the idea. I need everyones advise on the color of the blue and what shade of blue they should be... let me know what you think Blue (100.0.100) http://www.starsurvivor.net/images/folder_penguin-100.0.100.png Blue (60.0.60) http://www.starsurvivor.net/images/folder_blue-60.0.60.png Let me know which one you like better and if you don't like either, then let me know what shade of blue you think they shold be. Thanx!
Woooooooooooooowwwww!!! there are so Cool!!!!!!!!!!! I love this icons, they are so great in blue!!!!!!!!!!! I prefer the 60-60 ones but the other is nice too.
Very cool, these icons (along with the wallpaper and window-dec in your screenshot) are a nice eye-catching alternative to acqua/liquid.
I love these icons, but two icons should be replaced. The icons for "New Tab" and "Close Tab" in Konqueror do not really make sense to me.
there is no theme file just folders with icons please help o i also use lindows 4.0.548
I downloaded the file and checked to see if it was corrupt and found it to be working fine? Maybe you should try downloading it again? Here is a list of howto's for installing themes - http://www.kde-look.org/help/index.php I hope this help!
surfdoc: I use Lindows 4 too, seems that lindows doesnt like the .desktop file. Here is what u do. Untar the the file and copy the folder Kool.Gorilla too /usr/share/icons/ Now you can change the icon theme too Korilla in the config center. The kside pictures for the menu can be copied to: /usr/share/apps/kicker/pics The Splash pictures in:/usr/share/apps/ksplash/pics The excelent Childs play font can be installed with the Font Installer located somewhere in the config center.(i think in Config center>System) Note that most icons get changed but you need to set things like GAIM and Gimp icons manually. Good Luck :) I really like this theme, looking very good. Maybe someone can complete it with bootsplash, mozilla theme etc? I wish i could, but im not this good with pictures :) Anyway, just a suggestion.
NOTE that you BACKUP your original kside and splash pictures first!!
Where can I find (download) that font you using on desktop??? Btw, your work is exelant!!!
Here is a archive of all my favorite fonts, the one you are looking for is in there as well. It's called "Childs Play"... True Type Fonts --> http://www.starsurvivor.net/linux/gorilla/TrueTypeFonts.tar.bz2
Your icons and fonts are great! Nice work and thanks for posting the fonts! I'm new to instlling fonts so it took a bit to figure out how to do it. The instructions are found under "xfree86", and not KDE as I initially guessed. For the next newbie, you can find great font install instructions at: http://www.xfree86.org/current/fonts2.html#9
Very nice icons! Mind if I use two of them (queue.png and mail_generic.png) in a karamba widget that I'm working on? It's also GPLed. Thanks!
Go for it! :)
why dont you change the folders colors? i still have some folders in that strange brownish color as in the original gorilla. i was thinkin your theme wants to get rid of that awful brown colors. the shapes of gorilla rock but the colors... ...i was hoping korilla would give same nice colors to the nice iconset. what happened?
Korilla and Gorilla, what makes them different? All the things that are orange or orangish brown in Gorilla such as the symlinks, stock icons, etc... are blue in Korilla. Thats the only real difference... I am always happy to hear peoples opinions on the subject though and I do feel that at some point the folders in Korilla will need a make over, it is just not a top priority at this point. Maybe in the future I will change the default icon color to gray, dark blue, or bluish gray. What do you think? What color would you like to see the default folder icons changed too? Thanx!
how do you make the side image on the kde-menu like that? is the image available for download? how about the icewm theme? is there a kool-gorilla icewm theme? thanks