Description: Here are a few icons that I have created for kcm-laptop (kLaptop). To me, it made more sense to use a lightning bolt as a charge icon and a duracell looking battery for running on battery.
They are set up properly so klaptop daemon will display a blue meter on the icon resembling the percentage of battery remaining.
Made completely from scratch using the GIMP, though the duracell battery concept was borrowed from the original icon set.
To set these icons up for your own laptop, download the tar ball, extract it somewhere (preferably in your corresponding icons directory). Then
for kcmlaptop: right click on your klaptop icon in the systray, configure klaptop, and set the "Select Battery Icons" section to the appropriate icon.
for powersave: copy the icons you wish to use, and rename them to overwrite the corresponding icons you want to change with kpowersave, located in you kpower save directory: ~kdeprefix~/share/apps/kpowersave/icons/crystalsvg/22x22/actions
Enjoy!!!Last changelog:
Added icons with the border removed. I decided after all the border wasn't all that helpful (i originally used the border to help with the blending, but I later discovered that png-32 will do the blending for you)
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