for those of you who are wondering where to get zsnes its zsnes.com or rpmfind.net also as alot of people like it im going to work on it more
(zsnes is a emilator or linux and windows im not sure about mac thoug)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
ZSnes is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator for Linux, Windows and DOS. It emulates SNES games like The Legend of Zelda and Chrono Trigger (My fav SNES game, the best old school RPG).
Hell yea Chrono Trigger is the best. Nice icon set, zsnes is only lacking in pizazz and these icons make up for that. Other then the gui, the emulator is amazingly well put together.
I saw this icon and became interested in the program. Besides being an emulator, i couldn't gleen much more information from sourceforge or from their webpage. In fact, the webpage shows up as just a banner of the name of the program... Can you give us some more information?
goto google and type zsnes its the best super nintendo emulator available and this is a great icon