Description: These are the Golden Player Icons. It is an SVG iconset that replaces KDEs original player icons (play, pause, stop...) with golden ones.
INSTALLATION: Move (as root) to your KDE Directory (/opt/kde, /usr) then go to share/icons/crystalsvg. Then go into the folder 16x16( & later 22x22, 32x32, 48x48)/actions and backup the 8 player_*.png icons. If you're ready you could move everything from my package into your crystalsvg-directory.
(I know, not really elegant, maybe I will make a Bash-Script for the job later)
WHY DID I DO THEM: I hate the blue-ification of KDE ;-)Last changelog:
Ratings & Comments
Nice work dude ^^
Hi, i just think the renderer should be nice too in greyish-metal style (a bit like baghira ones) no ?
Should be possible. I will try it and if the result looks good, i'll post it here ;-)