I think it'll be good on higher than 1024x768 but i haven't tested it. It is now pretty much a full icewm theme with taskbar pixmaps too.(although no clock yet)
enough blurb, enjoy it, use it, burn it etc

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
12/6/03 added blue frame
14/6/03 changed border of buttons to green-lot better
17/6/03 made buttons have different color borders: close=red maximize/restore-blue, minimize=green, menu=yellow
Ratings & Comments
It's nice, I use it on my SUSE8.2! looks good
...not any feedback on this lately...shame it is good i think and so did others i need some idea what to update it...any ideas? please respoind i neeed ideas..thnx a lot I also uses SuSE(8.1) it is gr8!! rock on!!
hi, i use it from now on. nice work! greetings from sweden, pippi
Thank you! I havent had much feedback on anything I've posted, but this one seems to be the best thing I made so far.. it's amazing how much time a bored teenager has
Teen eh? Thats pretty good stuff for a teen. I'm 17, how old are you?
im 15... have you posted anything on this site? and have you got any sggestions for what should do next on this or something else??
What color scheme and style is that as well?
it isnt a style or color scheme the window in question is an AMSN messenger window. thanks for the comment