Alt-Clear Window Decoration
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is my first IceWM Window Decoration, well I used Gimp 1.2 and I was inspired by liquid theme (just the style), hope you enjoy it, well I do : )
Just remember to check [x] the " Menu button always shows applicacion mini icon " option!!!
C YA! Last changelog:
Just remember to check [x] the " Menu button always shows applicacion mini icon " option!!!
v 1.3 - February - 19 - 2003, some fixes.
v 1.2 - September - 13 - 2002, added install and uninstall script.
v 1.1 - September - 12 - 2002
Corrected some imperfections, fixed some bugs..
First Version 1.0 - September-11-2002
Ratings & Comments
I appologize in advance. New to Linux. I tried to install it but it doesn't work for me. I am using Mandrake 9.0 Do I just not have something installed that I need? Not sure.
first, where is your kde directory in your home is it .kde or .kde2 just open the terminal and type sh install it should do the work....
I really like your dec, but I have just few questions about the screenshot. 1) Which icons are these? Where can I find them? I want also the button-bar menu icons! 2) Do you use Mosfet's Liquid Style or something else? 3) I can't see the program icon on the top-left button of the window. What can I do?
well i use the Crystal Icon Them from Everaldo www.everaldo.com default for Conectiva Linux which I use. The style I use is "mine", look for Alt-Clear style in the Themes/Styles Section fof kde 3.0, i have to create one of my own since liquid is hard to compile here and is imcompatible with QT 3.0.5, 3.0.4 and 3.0.3, at least for me... for the program icon ot the top left open the Control Center, Apearance , Window Decoration, choose IceWM, click the Configure IceWM tab and select Alt-Clear, on the botton of the window there are 3 options, check the 3!!! Hope I could answer all of the questions!!! C YA!!
Umm, QT 3.x is backwards compatible, meaning anything that compiled for Qt3.0 compiles for QT3.0.5 and every version in between. And there have been many eople releasing updated rpms of liquid compiled against each new release of KDE and QT. So I have no idea what your difficulty is, but it is in very bad tast to announce on a forum that liquid won't compile for QT 3.0.3 and up.
Well so where are the packages? Since what I have seen till now the .rpm packages I found were incompatible with the Qt 3.0.4 or 3.0.5, I saw one that works with 3.0.3 for mandrake.... For begginers it is hard to compile some sources and if we want linux to be acessible for normal users or "newbies" we should do our part. Well I did compile liquid for QT 3.0.5, but I didn't have time to build a rpm package.. Thanks, C YA!
Thank you very much! You did answer to all my stupid questions! :-) I think I still prefer the Liquid Style than yours, but the WinDec and the Colors are OK. Just the last stupid question: What's the meaning of "C YA"?
I dont see the crystal theme on the site or here only the crytal icons where it?
there is a theme, not known but there is...
I've been using liquid for a long time now. This is definitely the BEST IceWM theme I've seen though. I'm going to give this a try. :)
well, i'm just starting with this decoration, i'm planing to release some more in diferent colors, this one is light gray and blue, mext will be red, orange etc.... just for fun, i'll relase the style (complete pack, icewm, style and colorscheme in 1 or 2 weeks... Cya
hi, try in Configure [IceWM]: [X] Menu button always shows aplication meni icon See: http://www.robert-gogolok.de/images/screenies/snapshot2.png
OOps.. my mistake, shoud have put that ins the config file, well you should use the use aplication icon by default, well it's better that way, i'll see what i can do thanks again, i'm working on a Style 2xx. 3xx. compatible, no need to run ./configure or rpm to install, just a simple script and done decoration, style, wallpaper, colorscheme...
Could you also upload your color scheme? ;-) Looks very cool!
SURE, it'll be online soon, check the Color Schemes...