with which I tried to port the E13 style. I was not very successful at it... far from it.
most poeple falling on this page are interested by E13 itself.
here is the last ebuild I use to build it on gentoo
you need imlib1, https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/imlib/1.9/
maybe someone wants to port E13 to Imlib2

For sources from DR14 https://download.enlightenment.org/historical_files/releases/enlightenment_wm/
As for Window theming, there was a GTK 1 or 2 theme with E13 styling, that was shipped at the time of E16
This was my first beta of the E13 windeco for KDE 3.1
if you are interested, I port it to KDE 3.5 and 4.0, just ask me.
right now its incomplete but usable.
I'm posting new screenshots, for your informations. first screenshot is real E13 + xterms showing focues and unfocus window.
2nd and 3rd shots are E16 with E13 theme and GTK-e13 theme.
here are a few things TODO on my kwin port.
- fixing transparency : whatever file format i use PPM or PNG, transparency is shown as pink.
- allowing small window : the smallest window I got if 338x220. too wide.
the window should be able to resize smaller than the window decoration.
- changing pics on mouse over and on click.
- changing pics whenever the window is focused or not.
- drawing transparency on free space.
- doing a config dialog to allow changing the behavior of button.
thank you for your interest.
Ratings & Comments
http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=49666 might help you with how to use masking from pixmaps, any format.
I'd like to hack at the source but the bz2 file is broken. any chance of seeing the source or is it just a screen shot of enlightenment.
I would need to find it on my backups, but I could get you the source
when I try to extract -k13.tar.bz2 it tells me it doesn't exsist!
I would need to find it on my backups, but I could get you the source
works for me
looks interesting... although i always hated enlightenment. and the theme... well, lot of work, thus a big plus, but from a usability-point-of-view, i won't install it. ... man i am a plain-boring guy, wanting only a "functional desktop". *lol*
uurgh.... horrible and a turn off.
i thought E 16.5 was the latest stable version? E17 (cvs) is out as well. In portage at least..
I find this fascinating, however I'd be rather interested in these enlightened monitors at the left. Wihch software is that? If anyone wants: Tell me about Enlightment features mentioned above.
It's all native Enlightenment 13. Nothing else.
it was the default pager in Englighenment 13.
Firstly, those of you who have said this is an "ugly" theme need to realize that there are people how have been using Linux for about a decade now. At that time, and to this day Enlightenment was the cutting edge standard. For nostalgic reasons, I hope works. Secondly, you have a preference and so do other people. Just drop it.
I find this enlightenment theme amazing. . When Enlightenement appeared, years from now, it had a lot of amazing visual tricks that beated anything else under any OS. Even now, I'm waiting for the next major release. . More, a lot of designers and programmers made revolutionnary themes. These freedom and genius in themes made a lot of people switch from windows... I did it first just to have the best looking desktop of the time. Then I learned to love other aspects of Linux. . I can understand that some people dislike this theme, but one should recognize the amount of work it needed to accomplish.
I should vote it as the ugliest windeco i've seen ever. I should speak about your color scheme, too.
They look like the illustrations of a Julio Verne's book. Hey dude, we're at 21st century, not 19th.
Actually those "retro" themes are just wonderful. Though I guess naysayers wouldn't "get" themes like the Karamba/Superkaramba Tubeclock ones, etc. Now go watch Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow...
I made a post above about how you got my hopes up and then I was let down, I can now say my hopes are up once again, best of luck to you in this, i look forward to seeing all of the bugs squashed.
k00l idea!
Realy Original, I would like to see it working... (enlightenment like!!)
woah, this is a waste of space and damn ugly :P
I sould really read descriptions before i open the screenshot---You had my hopes up heheh --ZennouRyuu
First I would like to express my believe this kind of requests belong in the brandnew section "KDE improvements". People searching under "Themes" don't want to see request or proposals, they want working themes. :-) So I suggest changing your post's category. About your request: I think it will be very difficult to code such a theme with KDE. It's doubtfully you will find a volunteer programmer. By the way: you have provided too little information (i.e. visual material) to even get a sufficient impression of the theme's look. Maybe some links? Good luck...