Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The second screenshot shows what happens if you turn off the rounded corners.
The third screenshot shows how dotNET looks if you turn off the newfangled Pseudo3D mode. This is what you want to do if you really liked the old look of dotNET.
All of these screenshots have UseTextShadows enabled.
Just updating the screenshots... it's about time, I know. New stuff, soon to be released as 1.4.3. (1.4.2 was internal only, and quite buggy.)
1.4.1: Speedups with QPopupMenu stuff, bugfixes for QTabBar items, and general fixes all-around. Highly recommended.
1.4: Progressbars, menu items, and other fun stuff. Download, test, play, tell me what you think!
1.3: A whole slew of fixes now. If you really liked the way dotNET used to look and this version makes you angry, add a line containing:
to your ~/.qt/kstylerc file. Otherwise, enjoy, and let me know what you think.
Oh, yeah - another neat hidden feature is text shadows. Turn them on by opening up that ~/.qt/kstylerc and adding:
Now you can turn off the rounded corners if you don't like them. Add the option:
to your ~/.qt/kstylerc and see the silly corner pixels.
Ratings & Comments
New release of virtualkeyboard with many improvements!
New update has been released! Many nice improvements, among others: 1. dynamic change of keyboard layout 2. source code is now compatible for Qt 4.x and 5.x 3. languages are now in the resource files 4. audio clip is now in the resource file (only Qt 5.x)
A new release has been done, with a big improvement to zoom functionality as well as localization languages. Add support for German keyboard. Check it out
New release supports Qt 5.x framework
New version available...it support Qt 5.x and the new QtCreator 3.x
What is the homepage of this application?
Hi, i really like the dotnet style and would very much like that it runs with KDE 3.4, 3.5 etc ... any chance this could happen?
Are you still working on dotNET? I just love it, thanks for making such a great style :)
I haven't worked on it much recently. But I do still have plans for it and I hope to get some time to work on it again soon. (Maybe even port it to Qt4...)
This theme works fine with kde 3.2, just recompile it and restart X I love this set, thanks for the work!
Anyone know how to use this theme with Redhat? Am I best off switching to mandrake if I want to use KDE?
Want to use the menus from dotNET also in Mozilla Firebird? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=7821
Hello Clee, I'm a big fan of dotNET. It is simple, sleek, slim and fast. I just like to add some request to the wishlist. However, if there any proponents against my request, including yourself, you can promptly dismiss my request. I appreciate the way alloy implements its tabs. There's a small space between tabs and it just looks awesome from my aesthetic perspective. I'll be overjoyed if you could implement something similar in dotNET, with your own skilfull twist to it. ;-) Secondly, the color of the text in my tabs do not match the color I specified under KDE's theme manager. Is it hard coded to black? Or is this a bug? Or I'm I just being silly? :-) Finally, you once stated there are abundant tweaks and optimizations left to do in dotNET. When can we expect more goodies? I hope you haven't forgotten us. :-P An Ardent fan, Mystilleef
I only needed to switch rendeding mode to "software blend" to get the grey stripe back. However, this theme (like all others) doesn't affect Mozilla. At the Mozilla forums I was told no KDE themes would affect Mozilla, but maybe GTK themes. Is it possible to port dotNET to GTK? I _really_ want to use these dotNET menues in Mozilla..
I downloaded this and installed on Mandrake 9.1, and transparent menues work to turn on, but then the grey line disappears from the dotNET menus. Is it a bug or what?
Your style is awesome, it liked it very much!!! Its my default now!!! Great work!!!
well, I can compile on Redhat 8, but I can't find where the theme is. :( Someone mentioned an RPM, but I can't seem to find it. Any help?
I don't suppose you did: export KDEDIR=/usr before running 'configure', did you? Or did you run './configure --prefix=/usr'? Setting KDEDIR is the best way to go.
Hello, By far the best KDE style I've experienced. Excellent work! Keep it up. dotNET and MKUltra(one of KDE's window decorations, you can find it at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2865] )should be KDE's default look. Keramic just makes me vomit. I'd be using MKUltra and dotNET well into the foreseeable future. Once a again Great job! Keep tweaking and keep fixing the bugs. ;-) Regards, Mystilleef
Hey! How can you put the menubar inside the panel??? I just installed the style but i don't know how to do it!
I am using CVS. :) There's a new kicker menu applet in CVS - you add the applet to the panel, then you turn on MacOS-style menus, and you're solid. It'll be in 3.2. -clee
Very nice and clean. Now I'm waiting for gtk theme ;)
Well, there are two things about that. 1) GTK+ is, IMHO, a pain in the ass to code for, especially when it comes to coding styles. 2) Ximian's "Industrial" theme looks _very_ similar to dotNET with Pseudo3D, also. And the inconsistencies between it and dotNET will be very difficult to notice, or at least it looks like it... and I'm making dotNET look more like it where I can. 3) I've had the preliminary code for a GTK+ version of dotNET laying here on my HD for a while, but it doesn't look anything like the Qt version, and I'm still not quite finished with this one, so... However, I think that dotNET and Ximian's "Industrial" will go very nicely together. Now we just have to wait for them to release it. -clee
Thanks, Industrial looks very close to dotNet, well except menus. BTW, Xenon and cleanice are similar looking too.
Do you know, where I can find this Industrial theme? I couldn't find it at art.gnome.org or themes.org! O, btw, I'm using gentoo, so rpm is oit of question, I need tgz or srpm. Thanx