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Other KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes:
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Ratings & Comments
I've installed it but I have no Theme Manager in my Control Center. How do I add it manually?
Umm...I installed it correctly through script cause I got "widget Iron installed correctly sucka!" but when I opened the Controlpanel>look and feel>style, it wasn't there to
Maybe it's something about 7:00 in the morning that gets me going.....but! I'm putting out a version for kde-3.2. I might get someone else to help with it, I might not, I'm still working things out and working on png's for it plus finding my way around this messed up shit (gentoo sucks). But hopefully, I'll have a version out by the end of the month sense i'm moving and not sure if i can offer the ftp support from my webpage but i'll do my best. I have a spot in California i might be able to offer up for help on it from the webpage.
Awesome style, I have a linux newbie problem though and maybe someone will be kind enough to help me out with it.. here goes.I am running Mandrake 10 and I have installed the style, background and all. The "start" menu isn't transparent. I did go to b3/kde and that does allow transparency, but the letters are all black and against the backdrop I can't read it as well as it changes the style for the panel and all windows. I then went back to the "Iron" style and I was told again that "transparency wasn't supported" and would be dissabled. my questions are: 1) How do I set the transparency? 2) How do I change the font color for the "start" menus? any help will be appreciated greatly. thanks for your time Fraelich
not sure if KDE's going to implement the use of ktheme for 3.2 or not, so far in RC1 it doesnt apear that way. Lots of things are based on actual styles (the part of the theme that sucks) and color schemes. As far as i know...there's not a whole lot i can do about it. I'll see if i can put out a non-ghetto style for this by the time of the first real release of 3.2 sorry for the news folks
Great theme, I love this more than my girlfriend. Question for u, what is that side bar with cpu, ram eth0 monitoring, its like graph where and how do i get that? I installed this theme but i dont see that on the side. Please advise, how do i get that. I love the this theme sooo much
that first sentence has to be one of the funniest things i've ever heard...... anyway! that sys monitor is called gkrellm. Very usefull tool, lot better than anything made for KDE (it's more of a "anything but kde" app) You can find it at: lot of skins there, i think the plugins are located there too. Have fun! :)
Hey ya know what i thought its funny too. Dont want to let my gf see that. Hey after about poking around the net, I stumbled to that site a few minutes after posting that note here. I saw it 4 yrs ago in DEFCON las vegas, see no friends to ask and a little shy, ans less interest on linux thats why it took me pretty long and who would thought of a name gkrellm, anyway thanks a lot. aldrin
I'm running MDK 9.1 and have never installed a new theme b4. I just extracted it to /usr/etc/Iron since i didn't know where else to put it. I was able to add the Theme, but the 'Iron' Style wasn't added to the list and I can't figure out how to get it. Also what window decoration did u use espically in the second screen shot? I'm excited about getting your theme working but right now it looks really bad on my system.
this is a great theme, but when its installed my kde start menu is still blue. im new to linux but i think im doing everything right. help me out...
I am running redhat 9.0 and kde 3.1 When I try to install the theme it errors and says there is no theme.rc or .theme file. This is with the new update
i tried the suggestions for setting the translucency, but a message popped up saying that translucency and drop shadows were not supported in this theme how do i fix this?
I had the same problem. The way I was able to set the translucent was under the style tab I set it to B3/KDE. Then it would allow me to se the translucent.
You're the man! I tried what you said and it worked. Thanks!
Awesome style, I have a linux newbie problem though and maybe someone will be kind enough to help me out with it.. here goes. I have installed the style, background and all. The "start" bar isn't transparent. I did go to b3/kde and that does allow transparency, but the letters are all black and against the backdrop I can't read it as well as it changing the style for the panel and all windows. I then went back to the "Iron" style and I was told again that "transparency wasn't supported" and would be dissabled. my questions are: 1) How do I set the transparency? 2) How do I change the font color for the "start" bars? any help will be appreciated greatly. thanks for your time Fraelich
On the left side of that screenshot there is a system monitor..where can i download that? or is it part of KDE?
Awesome theme. It's dark, which many people agree is easy on the eyes (you must be a coder too huh?). I like the window title, it is an inverse of the glow one. I am definitely going to download it. the controls fit the theme perfectly.
Very nice theme. But Whats kind of prg is that on the left side (monitoring prg ) I'm very new at the linux scene (yes i was a XP Dude ;) )
why your screenshot are so different ? which looks like your theme ? the first one looks so good while the second one looks so bad... well, tell me, if its the first one, I want to use it for sure. PS: i like when its dark,... dark but beautiful.
the first one is the original the second is the new qt based. both are packaged with the tarball. One question for you. What is bad about the new one? nobody's given me feedback yet.
the thing that i don't like about the second screen is the way the buttons look. it's kinda like that fake 3d look that eMule uses.
for my taste.... most of the widget looks too square. the TabButton, the Button, radio button. I love your checkbox however. but standard says that checkbox have to be square and radio round. not the inverse. I prefer the original scrollbar. you're gratient is a good idea, but i'm not sure its use the right way. well. i'm not gonna use it. but simple square button is too ugly. try something that could make us believe it's a bit over the window. thanks and sorry. how ever I like to see more people trying to do new things. keep going man.
i cant get this theme to work. or any others for that matter but i want this oneto work real bad. heres a pic of what mine looks like. i have no idea why it wont skin the while desktop
After taking a look at your picture I knew what you meant: There is a thing called "Window Decorations" (since you are using the Mandrake Galaxy Theme you have to change your Window Decoration to a different one than the standard). I don't know exactly which Window Decoration was used with the Iron Skin but I changed mine to the KDE 2.0 one - looks impressive. Here is how to change the Window Decorations: K > Configure > KDE > Look&Feel > Window Decorations and pick one of your choice. At the time you hit "Aplly" the new Decoration is used instantly. Have fun! Yours, AndyX
The theme is actually called Glow. I believe I got it off of here in fact. I hope this answers the slew of e-mails i've been getting about this. Also, new update i've scheduled for the 28th of this month, hopefully it will include a custom widget and new backgrounds. Any new idea's would be greatly appreciated before I release the next version