Plastik for SUSE-9.0 RPM
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
After installing the rpm I cannot find the theme in the Theme Manager. I can see Plastik in Style, Window Decorations etc. but nothing in the Theme Manager. The themerc file is present /opt/kde3/share/apps/kstyle/themes/plastik.themerc - anyone any ideas ?
can't find one either... just use the parts
hey, finally a style that I can install without ANY problems. AND which looks good as well. :-) well done! cu!
Please, send me .spec file for this RPM. I want to make rpm for my distro(ALT Linux), but I don't know how. My e-mail:
This is a great theme, but does anyone know how to install this on redhat linux 9, or is there any RPMS for RedHat Linux 9. Great Work!
after installing the rpm, the style is not listed in control center. it shows up in window decorations and colors, but not in styles... i do see a /opt/kde3/share/apps/kstyle/themes/plastik.themerc is that whats controlling whether the theme shows up under styles. if so whats missing...i see its very similar to alloy.themerc that i have at the same place and alloy shows up in the list, but not plastik!!! thanks ravi.
Maybe you have installed qt3-3.1.1. You need qt3-3.1.2, maybe;-)
It is a very nice Theme. I especialy like the Mous over efect on the upper right close/minimise/naximise Butons.