AA - Flava ... What's your flava ?
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* 2.0 Fixed many bugs (now the bottons are more little)
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Ratings & Comments
I love the desktop font for your icons whats it called and where can i get it??
When I runthe script, it says at the end something about "Mutex destroy failure" or so. Unfortunately, the Theme is not available in the control center. What went wrong?
Which Icon theme is that? It is very cool. Also is the bar at the bottom the osxbar for super karamba?
Where did you get that wallpaper?? It looks great!
Very nice. But can you make the buttons smaller? or make a version where tabs and buttons are somewhat similiar.
I'm working on this ... hope the next relase very soon.
... looks so good!!! Keep on work and try to port it as a binary style!!!
and i'm a girl. sorry if i've blown your preconcieved notions to hell ;) eh. I didn't understand much of the C++ stuff......but I just know that I've been looking for a white theme and I'm able to use this one. That's all that matters to me. trinity
Not scared of bash? Then change to a good shell... :) -maitre
it's the only shell I have. i'm not into having to prove myself by learning everything under the sun that is linux involved. i use it for my desktop mind you.
permission from Max to port this?
Nah - girls don't use linux. They're scared of bash. -maitre
Hehe, I have at least one example of a girl who does love Linux.
That's not true. I use Linux, ONLY Linux, and I would never use any OS without bash.
You're going to get your behind kicked for that one! LOL
my girl is network administrator... on the Linux & FreeBSD. Also why girls dont use Linux?
Are you the same chickadee on Deskmod?.
@starman: No, she is not... I am :) But as there is only Deskmod lite in the past months, you actually won't find any content :( Greetz, Mona aka Goamaus aka GeekGirl
because it installed with a shell script. my system hates to compile themes. you are my new idol *bows*. Awesome theme. trinity
Respect the installation, i don't have maked themes with a compilation scripts because i don't know C++, and the pixmaps themes are more quickly of make. But the others themes are better than this because they have more features, obiously they're more complicated to make, for this i continue maked pixmap themes (For now). I hope that you understad this. And if any C++ programer is interested to work in this themes i could help u, for a better work. Bye and thanks for u're opinions