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Ratings & Comments
Reasons why this theme RULEZ: It is dark... and I like dark things (easier on the eyes.) It is based off of keramik, which just puts windows XP to shame. I like the desktop image too, it's reminicent of digital blasphemy (very realistic), with the cliffs and all, the translucent woman adds a very dark and cold effect to it. The theme also sparks my imagination as with it's artistim gets me in the storyline mood. (You can tell that I make RPGs huh? LOL).
... thank you for using GNU/linux :) This theme is too dark for me, but your desktop rulez a lot. You are a gothic rock fan, am i right? greets unitra
Cool theme given me somthing to aim for got a wonderful icey feel community is about UNITY for Linux and for life you are so right!!!!