Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes:
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Ratings & Comments
i downloaded the file and epanded it but there doesnt seem to be a theme file anywhere in it. when i browse the kBlueHeart/ directory when adding new theem no useable theme file shows up.
Nice job str, its good to see some theme developers churning out dark themes - makes long coding nights easy on the eyes... :) -maitre
I can't seem to change the text colour of menu. It is alway black! Am I the only person face this kinda problem?
Oh... there is colour scheme for this style... Now is working...
also fixed thanks
you have a dir called color-shemes. it should be called color-schemes ;)
thanks... fixed
To str: Remove http// from the link to make it work
The download link for your theme doesn't work, at least not on this page. I went to your website and navigated to where the file was and downloaded it from there. Just thought I'd notify you of the broken link. Also, could you out up a bigger screenshot? I hate not being able to tell what I'm looking at ;-).