Berlin - subway station "Suedstern"
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- a KDE desktop theme
- a icon set (800 icons)
- a bg image for KFM
- a set of toolbar icons for OpenOffice.org-1.1
- 5 small sound samples from the subway station.
- 2 superkaramba themes (analog clocks for the desktops 2 and 3)
Download and unpack the content file, run "install.sh" to copy the file to your kde-config-dir, start the control center and change the settings for the desktop theme, the icon set and change the KFM bg image.
I am happy about every return.
B. Kaemper
07/14/04 Added more icons to the icon set.
04/23/04 Added 2 superkaramba themes for the desktops 2 and 3. Now the clocks can show the correct time.
03/31/04 Added 4 small sound samples from the subway station. Have a look at the sounds and use it as you like.
02/22/04 Added a IceWM decoration. It is nospectaculary, but contains a few small improvments. Change the license to GPL.
02/11/04 Added a set of toolbar icons for OpenOffice.org-1.1.
02/05/04 Added a few more application icons (OpenOffice.org apps ...) and icons for kcontrol. Recreation of the icon set. It looks now a little bit more clean.
01/05/04 Added a icon set and a bg image for KFM. RPM archives for global installation you may download from my home page.
10/27/03: I change the concept of theme. Now it contains 3 fotos of the subway station "Suedstern" in Berlin. The fotos were taken in 2 min and show a very small view on my life here in Berlin.
Ratings & Comments
How do i install this because i dont have a theme manager and also not a Look and Feel window
Use the desktop theme "Berlin - subway station "Suedstern" for KDE 3.2, it is aviable here too, section "Themes for KDE 3.2". It may be used without theme manager. Or you may unpack the desktop theme file. It is the file "bk_berlin_subway.ktheme" in the archiv. Use "tar -xzf bk_berlin_subway.ktheme" for this job. A new directory is created and this directory contains the desktop wallpaper and the .rc-file. Open the .rc-file with a text editor, copy the section [colors] to a new file and save this new file as a color schema. Now you may change the desktop wallpaper and the color schema using "kcontrol". (It is more easy, use version for KDE 3.2 ;-) ). Are you using SuSe 9.0?
Forgot the stuff written above. After running "install.sh" the wallpaper are extracted and the color schema is installed. Sorry, I did not remember may own stuff. The "Look and feel" window you will find in "kcontrol". Start the Control Center "kcontrol" and change the language to english. Restart the control center and now you may see the section "Look and feel". Without a theme manager you have to change the desktop wallpaper. Use the wallpaper "bk_subway_desktop_x.jpg". And you have to change the color schema. Use the color schema "bk_berlin_subway". Hope it is correct now. Greetings
... just rocks. And I know the the feeling to sneak around at closing time to do the shot when _nobody_ is around. Great atmosphere, great work! -n8wish
I like the colors. And the photos make me remember those good old days of taking the Ubahn around Berlin. Thank you for making this theme. :)
Good job capturing the moment. I do enjoy the occasional street-shot / people doing nothing wallpapers occasionally, and yours is a very nice depiction of regular life. Good Job ! :^)
Well, at a minimum, I really appreciate these wonderful images, for they remind me of all the time I spent on both the S- und U-Bahn Linien in Berlin.
I like it very much. Like a desktop environment each subway station is fashioned in an unique design, sound, smell. I think this project may be "extended". Subways are a great metaphor of urban lifestyle.
Excellent, i've just got back from berlin......great photos ;-)
I like the speed effect on the second one and the colors of the shots are warm. I like it.
But I should add that the clock is disturbing... because it's visible and not accurate (twice a day it's accurate, I know :)
hi, are you sure the people shown on your picture like to find themselves distributed on the net? i think this is not a good idea, even if it may not be illegal. pippi
One usually has to prove that the people are a) personally identifiable, and b) being ridiculed before a photographer can be sued. I don't think either of those is happening here.
hi, that it's not illegal means not that the upload of pictures, which show other peoples faces quite good is something one should do. it's the personal integrity of every person on the first picture which is attacked here, i guess none of them know that they're "famous" now. no, i really believe an empty U7-station would fit much better here. pippi
The fotos are ok by german right! May be, in other countries it is not so. But I will change the first desktop wallpaper next days with a station withou people. B. Kaemper
oh my dear... it's starting to rain outside people feelin blue melancholic, somehow depressive wallpapers on the screens.... jeez, why do pictures of people in subways always leave me with a sad feeling?
It was not my opinion, to create a soooo... "nice and beautiful" desktop theme. Here, at www.kde-look.org you may find many stuff of this kind. The fotos are "real", it is the life, I see every day and I like it! I think, it is not only dark and depresiv, the beutiful is sometimes hardly to discover. Thanks to all of you for your comments!!!! Greetings B. Kaemper
How does a cockpit of a UBahn look? --- I don't like the "KDE" panel start button very much. A real DDR mief style, say "Palast der Republik" would be very nice too. Or "holiday in Bitterfeld"