Hi. Any chance of you creating a port and/or a package of Baghira 0.5a? I'm runnning 4.10 and am having no luck getting it to compile using the standard make or even gmake. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm also totally confused about that.
gcc SHOULD do exp and pow internally (gcc 3.2.3 here does, yours too, obviously)
maybe some distributors spread crippled versions of gcc - i just don't have another answer %)
Allthough baghira is very unrestricted licensed (and so you can make out of it whatever you want) i'd like to know what "the ports" is (i'm not on bsd, so please excuse, if i asked a very stupid question)
The ports collection (http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/) is how FreeBSD does packages. Equivalent to Debian's apt, RedHat RPM, gentoo's portage (portage is sort of like ports' child). If you look in x11-wm/mosfet-liquid, you can see what the liquid port looks like.
A port is just a few files - mainly a Makefile and a package listing. The Makefile specifies where to get the source and what to do with it. In this case, require kde 3 and then run configure and gmake. The listing just details the files that are installed, so that a binary package can be made.
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Hi. Any chance of you creating a port and/or a package of Baghira 0.5a? I'm runnning 4.10 and am having no luck getting it to compile using the standard make or even gmake. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Charles
0.3k works fine without the math.h include, since you added it. I'm using gcc 3.2.2, btw.
I'm also totally confused about that. gcc SHOULD do exp and pow internally (gcc 3.2.3 here does, yours too, obviously) maybe some distributors spread crippled versions of gcc - i just don't have another answer %) Thomas
0.3j doesn't compile here, hence the package delay. I'll put it up when I fix the problem.
The problem is in widget-engine/baghira.cpp, which needs an include for math.h on FreeBSD. Right now the port does it on the fly with a patch.
You ought to submit this to the ports, if you're up to maintaining it. It's very nice, and we need something to replace the currently defunct Liquid.
I'll give it to the guys in #kde-freebsd to pick over.
Hi. Allthough baghira is very unrestricted licensed (and so you can make out of it whatever you want) i'd like to know what "the ports" is (i'm not on bsd, so please excuse, if i asked a very stupid question) Thanks
The ports collection (http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/) is how FreeBSD does packages. Equivalent to Debian's apt, RedHat RPM, gentoo's portage (portage is sort of like ports' child). If you look in x11-wm/mosfet-liquid, you can see what the liquid port looks like. A port is just a few files - mainly a Makefile and a package listing. The Makefile specifies where to get the source and what to do with it. In this case, require kde 3 and then run configure and gmake. The listing just details the files that are installed, so that a binary package can be made.
Ahh, got it. Thanks for the lesson :)