This package includes a color scheme file, a pixmap theme and an installer script.
In my optinion this style looks just perfect when used with the Keramik window decoration of the upcoming KDE 3.1 (go to to get it now). Take a look at the screenshot.

The icons are the Crystal Look Icons, check for more information.
I'm using the Xft library hack from for better font antialiasing.
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Where can i find the Window decoration like on the screenshot? Is it antoher theme or wrong installation ? by the way i got this message from the script: ./installstyle: [: missing `]'
Hi, i run the script and there where some error msgs because there is no style-directory in my KDE-Home dir. I created it by Hand and the the script run succesfully and the files are in the path /home/reg/.kde/share/apps/kstyle/pixmaps/kolor ful but i can't see the style in the control-center. What do i have to change? Thanx for help.
Hmmm, the style should be in the "Style" Control Center module and the color preferences should be in the "Colors" Control Center module. I'm running SuSE 8.0 myself, so it should work. Check if the files ~/.kde/share/apps/kstyle/themes/kolorful.themerc and ~/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/kolorful.kcsrc are present. If not, then that's the problem. Otherwise I have no idea to be honest. Feel free to email me.
I'm seeing the same problem on a Debian Woody box with the unofficial 3.0.3 standard woody builds. The files are there, but Kolorful (which looks very nice!) can't be seen in the style menu.
umm... this is an unrelated question... What noatun gui are you using? where can i get it?
Actually it's not a Noatun skin, but rather a playlist from Neil Stevens called Hayes, get it from:
How do u get the tab color yellow? Mine are still grey :(
to get the yellow tabs.
first, thanks for the install script! very easy and convenient! as for your theme, the colour scheme is quite OK (it's the one i am using now) bu the style is way too bright, completely unusable by me. I do like the idea and the choice of colours, though! Tune down the brightness a little and it will be ok.
i like the theme, but the colors are just painful. and since its a pixmap theme, i cant seem to change them : ( but like i said, i do like the theme. a different color, or a non-pixmap theme would be cool.
Ehrm...maybe I'm OT but in the screenshot I've seen Quanta up and running :) Until now I haven't installed KDE3 because I wasn't sure if I could compile Quanta on it...what version of this beautiful app do you have?
That's Quanta current CVS on the screenshot. It's ok except that changinging between projects takes ages... BTW, you can use your KDE 2 apps along with your KDE 3 apps. Just be sure to keep the Qt2 and KDE2 libs in your path.
or kde-cvs? both are a bit outdated kde-cvs quanta comes without a configure script or, i fear i have to pay for quanta-gold :( but its not such a heck of a price anyway ;) when i earn my money with it it's alpha code for quanta for kde3. they need feedback.