me for my conky so I thought I'd upload it.
It is highly based on this one made by Hund:
I don't remember what fonts it requires,
check for yourself

Hope you like it!
Btw, to use the audacious playback info
it has to be enabled at compiling with the
--enable-audacious parameter
Ratings & Comments
Is it nautilus? If yes, how have you done such a positions of buttons/etc?
nice one. but uh, audacious bit doesn't work for me :).
Thanks! Btw, to use the audacious playback info it has to be enabled at compiling with the --enable-audacious parameter
You can use audtool to get the same information without recompiling Conky. I forget where I found it but this is what I have in my .conkyrc: Quote:
${if_running audacious}
${color #e9c703}AUD:${color white} ${exec audtool --current-song | cut -b-34}
$color ${exec audtool --current-song-length} ${execbar expr 100 \* $(audtool --current-song-output-length-seconds) \/ $(audtool --current-song-length-seconds)}
Hei man Ilike it so much, what is your Theme/Style. Its look Inspirate, whow to get one. Thank's.
Thanks! it's a theme I made... available here: //Robert
Hi TheRob,could you tell me if u don´t mind where in the Conky is the command line wich displays the clock and its settings please?I´ve been searching within your conky and I don´t find it. Thanxxxx
The code for the clock (time) is : ${time %H:%M:%S} hope this helps! //Robert
how did you increase the clock size? i tried using $font but none of the variables i set seem to take hold
here is mine exact line for the clock: ${font LCD:style=Bold:pixelsize=56}${alignc}${time %H:%M:%S} hope this helps! //Robert
Hi, I've been using your original slickness theme for a while and was well pleased when I noticed the new version. This has been successfully installed, but as I'm very new to the Ubuntu arena I'm at a complete loss as to where to start to install the 'croncky' I've downloaded the file and unpackaged it to it's own directory, but have no idea what to do next. Your assistance or guidance for where best to find the required answers would be muchly appreciated. Cheers, Riv
Thanks!! well, if you don't mean to use the audacious playback it's very easy! 1. sudo apt-get install conky 2. extract the conkyrc file on your desktop 3. cp $HOME/Desktop/conkyrc $HOME/.conkyrc 4. alt+f2 type conky and press enter 5. (optional if you want to edit the configuration file) alt+f2 type gedit .conkyrc and then the text config file appears! Have phun!!! hope this helps! //Robert
I installed font in myhome/.fonts/ my gnome can use this font but conky not found it
Try to place it in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
Not work, in /usr/share/fonts there is dir zekton, but conky cant use this :(
I have the ttf files in /usr/share/fonts always worked with everything for me, I don't ,try to put them there, should work fine :) hope this helps //Robert
As I wrote before place it in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ but not in directory e.g. Zekton. You should have path /usr/share/fonts/truetype/Zekton.ttf (or other filetype - i don't remember)
The font doesn't work for me either. Actually no font does. Conky: can't load font 'Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=42' Any ideas? The font Zekton works well in other programs.
Nevermind, I don't know what happened, but it suddenly worked :) Thanks a lot for this!
Thanks for commenting Hund! I didn't mean to upload this since your conky is like 90% the same as this, but since I started getting like 2-3 mails a day asking for my conky I thought I'd upload it :) as for the font you have 2 options palban83, the first is to install the font get it here: or then you can edit the conkyrc to use another font gedit .conkyrc and everywhere it says zekton you change to whatever font you want :) Hope this helps! //Robert
Hi TheRob, i installed fot but when i run conky it not found font. Can u help me?
Sweet. :)