Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Feb 15
-- navigator buttons
Feb 16
-- search and bookmark icons
Feb 17
-- preferences and add-ons
Feb 19
-- misc icons and buttons
Feb 20
-- bookmark editor and buttons
Feb 22
-- tiny nav buttons and throbber!
Ratings & Comments
Now it is really perfect! And it gets better each day :) I like this flashing globe ;) What about publishing theme at lila-center? And do you plan to add icons to File and other menus?
Yeah, as soon as I figure out where/how to upload it to the berlios server :P
So. Is something happening? Maybe I can help somehow?
I'm afraid some one has to take over - all my work XCFs are gone, I didn't leave any of the lila ones in the jar either - ergo no backups... gonna cry
How do I make firefox use this great theme? Where do I install it? I might look stupid for asking this, but what the heck Great work btw, finally a FF2 lila theme :) TIA
(in firefox) Tools - Add-ons and drag&drop the jar anywhere in the window
Theme looks very good and fits fine with lila desktop. Now I am waiting for final version ;)
Why don't you use firefox icon from lila? Don't say that you dont like this sneaky fox :)
Haha, no it's nothing like that. Haven't settled for a throbber icon yet.
now i've tried it thnx even more, helping me make a nice consistent lila/purple system!
three suggestions: 1) do what ABein suggested and join them at the lila homepage to reach even more lila fans. 2) i be happiness if you get time one day to add lilafied small navigation icons. 3) i realise it's a lot to ask, but a lilafied thunderbird theme would be extra super plus plus dandy too. :D
I'll finish the firefox theme, that's for sure. I'm not a coder so I can't customize it too much :) Thunderbird... don't use it myself so...
s'ok. ;)
thanks mate!
I am waiting for this theme since Firefox2 release! Looking forward to hear any news. And you can join us at Lila homepage http://www.lila-center.info
The download link goes to my deviantART page where I'll upload the jar once it's somewhat usable