Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Currently should be mostly working.
Icons for pieces were taken from xboard.
!!! Incompatible with previous versions !!!
--- fixed the delay between starting the clock and the time when the
board is ready for play
--- non-latin characters in the chatbox are displayed correctly
--- black pieces have a white border around them so that they are easily
seen on black squares
--- windows version displays skypeoffline messages twice
--- on windows, the client tends to disconnect from skype on the first run (should be much better later). When this happens, please use reconnect to skype through the skype menu
--- when the connection to skype is lost (e.g. the other person is temporarily offline, skype quits, etc.) all running games are paused. Currently there is no means to resume them if the connection comes up again
--- other minor ones: see the STATUS file
--- timed games available
--- small chatwindow
--- Czech translation (others
are possible, but someone else
would have to provide them)
--- automatic rules checking
Missing (but planned):
--- cannot currently watch other people play
--- captured pieces are not shown
(so you either have to remember or look at the board)
--- cannot load/save games (hopefully in the final 0.3 version)
--- theming (if enough people ask)
Ratings & Comments
Have Skype 4 running. Chess4skype is started, connected, but the Contacts win stays blank. Do GetContacts: Messages win shows it's looping over my Skype contacts but no one is added after all. Any ideas?
Does this game supports XBoard or UCI compatible?
No, unfortunately, it does not.
Dunno why, but it just fixed. I guess I had to restart Skype? I'm not sure.
I'm getting a Debug: Connecting to skype ... Debug: skype::connectToInstance(): Skype not detected, status 0 Debug: Unable to establish communication channel With Skype on Kubuntu using the deb package.
Hmm, that means that the program cannot find a running skype. Do you have skype running _before_ you start the program? In the Skype options (Pulic API), do you have the X11 transport enabled? I am running on Kubuntu with Skype and for me the program connects with no problem.