Circle Starts
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Circle Starts (v0.9)
Licence: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Created for:
Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, Mandriva, SuSE, Red Hat, FreeBSD, Gentoo, Mint, Windows, Apple, Kubuntu, OpenSolaris
Look at this picture if you need more help: http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/2500/setup.jpg!
First method:
1) Find the folder of the icon theme that you are using (/home/[you]/.icons/[theme]).
2) Just rename the file "start-here.png" in the folder "24x24"/"32x32"/"48x48" (better) to "start-here.png.backup".
3) Copy the matching picture of your distribution in this folder and rename it to "start-here.png".
4) Reload the icon theme in gnome-appearance-properties.
5) Set the height of the panel which is using the main menu at 24/32/48px.
Second method:
1) Launch "gconf-editor" and open this following path: "apps/panel/objects/object_X" where X is the number which has "menu-object" as value of "object_type" key.
2) Then, in "custom_icon" property, write the path of one of the icons.
3) Check also "use_custom_icon" property.
Added Kubuntu
Added OpenSolaris (green, blue & gray)
New style
(4.1.2009) Added new model
Added FreeBSD icon
Added Gentoo icon
Added Mint icon
Added Windows icon
Added Apple icon
Corrected .xcf model (Gimp)
Added Red Hat icon
Added SuSE icon
Added 2 Debian icons
Added 2 Mandriva icons
Added Arch icon
Added Fedora Core icon
Added Ubuntu icon
First version
Ratings & Comments
nice collection, looking forward for manjaro
These icons are so cool.But i think it will be better that the symbol become bigger than the circle,to make the symbol obviously.
These are very beautiful. Well done.
Dream Linux Circle Start please? :) http://www.dreamlinux.com.br/
Amazing. Could you create one for OpenGEU too please? I love your icons and style.
How about a FireFox circle start?
hey ! Nice start logos ! Please, may you make one for Frugalware Linux ? :D
Is there a easy way to install it? i just cant find the default theme folder. I use ubuntu 8.10
You can use these icons for anything like desktop icons or for a dock but if you want to use an icon as button in your panel, follow my instructions.
Ok... so i found the folder of the theme i'm using on /usr/share/icons but there is no start-here.png file in it. what can i do? thanks for the quick answer!
Just extract the pack in your home or elsewhere and open gconf-editor then go to "apps/panel/objects/object_X" (where X is the number which has "menu-object" as value of "object_type" key). In "custom_icon" property, write the path of the Ubuntu icon. Finally, check the "use_custom_icon" property. I think I will make a picture this afternoon to show how to do that. ^^
Thanks for everything. I fix it myself in other way: the icons my theme was using came from the gnome default theme... so i replaced the start-here.png of that theme with your icon (just like you explain) and that just did it. By the way, i resized your icon to 24x24 cause the small size you did (36x36 i think) looks too big for me :P and makes the other icons of the panel to grow when installed. ^^ now my panel looks really cool with your icon. Really Thanks.
Well done! Thanks for using them! :)
I would like to use your circle start icon for Fedora 10 on KDE 4.2 but I can not kind the correct start-here-kde.png to replace. Do you know the right png to replace on KDE 4?
I'm sorry. I don't use KDE anymore. :/ Maybe you know anybody who use KDE and can help you? Else, look for your current icon theme folder then replace the png by my picture. It's my advice, I think there is a better solution.
I got it to work using this kde improvement but your icon: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Fedora+KMenu?content=100916 Looks great! :)
i copied /home/hamza/Pictures/Panel/small/ubuntu.png into the object_0 custom_icon, checked to use custom icon, but the icon still doesn't change. did i do somethin wrong?
Do you use Gnome's default menu? Because you have to change the menu of the panel. Use the other one. It looks like an icon. Add it and check if you see my icon on the panel. (Sorry for my bad english. If you ever don't know how to put it on the panel, come back here and I will give you a screenshot to help you.)
Could you include a 24x24 version of the images? I manually scaled my own, but for people that want to use the default menu in Ubuntu 8.10 a 24x24 icon will work without messing up the size of the panel.
I'm not sure if at this size the icons will look nices. But ok... I will add this size for the next version.
OpenSolaris please :)
Yep, Kubuntu and your request will be done this week.
cool, thanks check /usr/share/icons, you need root permissions to edit that directory the .icons folder in your home directory is for icon sets that you download for your account.
You're welcome. ;)
How you do install this onto Ubuntu 8.10? The .icon folder has no content and the gconf-editor does have any of the settings you're claiming. There's no properties... there's "key" but no properties.