Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
StartCrystal (v0.4)
Author: Cyriaque 'Cisoun' Skrapits
Website and Gimp files: http://cisoun.serveftp.net/Portfolio/Graphisme/Icones/StartCrystal/
Created for:
Linux (generic), FreeBSD, Ubuntu (Studio), Debian, (Open) SuSE, Mandriva, Gentoo, Fedora, ArchLinux, Linux Mint
Note: If your distribution is not included here, please ask to add @ cysoun [ at ] hotmail.com or cisoun [ at ] swissjabber.ch.
1) Find the folder of the icon theme that you are using (/home/[you]/.icons/[theme]).
2) Just rename the file "start-here.png" in the folder "24x24" to "start-here.png.backup".
3) Copy the matching picture of your distribution in this folder and rename it to "start-here.png".
4) Reload the icon theme in gnome-appearance-properties.
5) Set the height of the panel which is using the main menu at 24px.
That's all folks! Last changelog:
Author: Cyriaque 'Cisoun' Skrapits
Website and Gimp files: http://cisoun.serveftp.net/Portfolio/Graphisme/Icones/StartCrystal/
Created for:
Linux (generic), FreeBSD, Ubuntu (Studio), Debian, (Open) SuSE, Mandriva, Gentoo, Fedora, ArchLinux, Linux Mint
Note: If your distribution is not included here, please ask to add @ cysoun [ at ] hotmail.com or cisoun [ at ] swissjabber.ch.
1) Find the folder of the icon theme that you are using (/home/[you]/.icons/[theme]).
2) Just rename the file "start-here.png" in the folder "24x24" to "start-here.png.backup".
3) Copy the matching picture of your distribution in this folder and rename it to "start-here.png".
4) Reload the icon theme in gnome-appearance-properties.
5) Set the height of the panel which is using the main menu at 24px.
That's all folks!
Added Linux Mint.
Added ArchLinux
Added Getoo icon.
Added Fedora icon.
Added Linux icon.
Added FreeBSD icon.
Include Ubuntu (Studio), Debian, (Open) SuSE, Mandriva.
Ratings & Comments
Some of the files/images have incorrect permissions: $ chmod 0644 ./StartCrystal/* Also, the Linux Mint icon has not been converted from the GIMP source (.xcf). Great icons. Thank you.
Hi, I made an Icon for Mandriva using this theme. Find it here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Mandriva+Blue+Menu+Button?content=92119
would it be possible to have an archlinux version please? http://archlinux.org/logos/archlinux-icon-crystal-256.svg
Nice work. You should make one for Mint if you feel up to it or perhaps add a blank version to the download so people can add their own text. These are probably one of the best 'start' buttons i have seen so far.
Okay, I will add a Mint version. ;) If you want to create your own, just get the Gimp file here: http://cisoun.serveftp.net/Portfolio/Graphisme/Icones/StartCrystal/ :)
1) Open a terminal and type "sudo nautilus" 2) Type your password 3) Look in the path: home/your_name/.icons 4) Look in here your actual icon theme 5) Just copy and paste the start-icon (ubuntu.png) in this folder and rename to start-here.png 6) Close Nautilus 7) Open System-Preferences-Appearence and reload your icon theme 8) Enjoy it!
Thanks, but you don't have to be root to modify your folder.
Ok friend, thanks for the explanation ;)
Quote:3) Look in the path: home/your_name/.icons
4) Look in here your actual icon theme
I use the default Human theme and it isn't in '.icons' folder. I replaced start-here.png in /usr/share/icons/Human/22x22/places/ but it didn't work: only a black square instead of any icon.(((
Sorry, the address was '/usr/share/icons/Human/24x24/places/start-here.png', certainly, but it doesn't matter... ;')
Please, anybody knows a "how to" for install this Start-icon in Ubuntu Hardy?
100% works: remove all elements from panel; Then add "GNOME Menu" applet. Run command "gconf-editor". Navigate to /apps/panel/objects/object_0. Then, in right panel, change "custom_icon" value to path to your icon. Check "use_custom_icon" property on. I have 8.04 and this gconf'ing works for me.
The same result as trying the next 'How To': a black square (empty icon) instead of anything else.
there's a second installation method. Open GConf-Editor -> apps -> panel -> objects -> then search for an object_* with object_type "menu-object" -> insert the path to the image into custom_icon -> hit the use_custom_icon checkbox.
Does not work...
does work here.
First off you have to have a "main menu" utility on your panel. Just right click and click add to panel. Make sure its a "main menu" and not a "menu bar"...
very nice. but how about adding just a "linux" button with a tux icon? there are 200+ distros, this will catch all of them :)
Yes, it's a good idea. :) I will add one for FreeBSD too.