Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Elegance, modern, compatible with any populare desktop environment.
The small icons are modified from Evolvere (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Evolvere+Icon+theme?content=164338)by franksouza183
~ Download and extract to: ///usr/share/icons [for all user] the permission for the folder
~ extract to ///home/.icons [for single user] Last changelog:
The small icons are modified from Evolvere (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Evolvere+Icon+theme?content=164338)by franksouza183
~ Download and extract to: ///usr/share/icons [for all user] the permission for the folder
~ extract to ///home/.icons [for single user]
~ all icon in svg format
~ compability for latest Gnome
~ containing small icons for small Unity launcher & other desktop environment
~ fix huge icons in latest Gnome
Ratings & Comments
8 7 great Actually 10 for the old shiny version , Can I get that Square 1.0 from somewhere ... ? Please if anyone have it or knows where can i get , do tell me , I really loved that version
7 7 good
1 Application of the theme distorts the windows so much the WM isn't usable.
Can you fix these icons please not showing ,tar zip extract archive or some documents
Hi, missing the caffeine icon or it is wrong, please fix it up
Setting those icons just takes icons back to some default view, so they look nothing like on screens above :(.
I am trying to get this to work in Xubuntu 15.10 but it is not showing up in appearance settings.
Hello, I cant see icons for a lot of filetypes, i.e. xls, doc, zip, pdf. I have xubuntu 14.01, do you have a bug related to this behavior? Thanks!
Maybe it's because your index.theme created for KDE. It is possible to fix it: [scalable/actions] Size=331 Context=Actions Type=Scalable MinSize=257 MaxSize=512 this: [scalable/actions] Size=64 Context=Actions Type=Scalable MinSize=8 MaxSize=512 and so on all in scalable. But it is better to create a separate distribution with normal index.theme for Gnome.
And so on in all actions, apps, devices, etc.
Maybe it's Directories=apps/48,apps/64, [apps/48] Size=48 Context=Apps Type=Scalable MinSize=8 MaxSize=512 [apps/64] Size=64 Context=Apps Type=Scalable MinSize=8 MaxSize=512 etc
I can't get anything out of this .. it seems to give all the scalable icons MaxSize no matter what .. does anyone have this working? It's so freaking annoying how everything changes so much between point versions of GNOME
In fedoda 22, i have sovled it by: 1. replace all the 331 with 64 2. replace all the MinSize=257 with MinSize=8
~ fix huge icons in latest Gnome Not fixed yet, still huge and blurry icons.
take a look at this this is nautilus and gnome-tweak-tool http://imgur.com/hrRwp4u
I have a problem with this icon theme. I use linux mint 17 cinnamon. I run gedit and gedit crash following on terminal : Gtk:ERROR:/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.24.23/gtk/gtkrecentmanager.c:2116:get_icon_fallback: assertion failed: (retval != NULL) but it's not happen if there not found that recently opened files. that is, if i remove ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel and works. Hope fixed! Thanks.
Where are the icons stored that Nautilus uses? So i could shrink them for you... ???
Huge icons in gnome 3.14 still not fixed. Please take a look at it. Thank You. http://i.imgur.com/mYVm4es.png
Hello, I love your icons pack, but on Gnome 3.14 there are a few bugs under Nautilus: some icons are *really big*. Thank you !
Nice ones. Why don´t you push this project to github repository. It´s better to maintain, others can contribute and the installation/update process is more neat !
Thank You! ... Another amazing set of icons from EepSetiawan.....
Square icons seem very nice but I'm unable to download it. The UbuntuOne project is down. Any other place to download these?
try to install from the PPA
Ok, thanks, these icons are so nice!