Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The primary purpose was originally to have color coded archive files. I don't know what it is now.
-- 0.24 --
Added extra folder icons and other tweaks to make it look alright on newer installs. Tested with xubuntu 14.04
-- 0.23 --
Old package didn't install in modern gnome. Fixed.
-- 0.22 --
Fixing issues with newer versions of Gnome. Added Kopete and Konversation icons; the default KDE ones stuck out too much.
-- 0.21 --
Fixed some things that had developed over time.
No new icons added.
-- 0.20 --
Added Folder icons and fixed minor problems
-- 0.17 --
Fixed Compiz icon
Added arrow and control icons as well as terminal icon
-- 0.15 --
Updated power and audio icons
Added logout, hibernate, suspend, reboot, and switch user icons
-- 0.12 --
Fixed a few minor glitches
Fixed misshapen harddisk icon
Added Computer, Screensaver, and DesktopEffects icons
-- 0.11 --
Added color coded executables & scripts
Fixed error with html icons
Fixed error with some DVD icon names
Ratings & Comments
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all the icon best theme are just a preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, preview, that's sucks but your icons work fine :D