Description: Eating bloom " besom " during the day will acquiesce you to get rid of the balance weight of 1 kg . 3 . Absinthian abnegation day During the day, eat 5 grapefruit , alcohol 10 cups of blooming tea and 2 liters of apparent baptize ( at 8 am, eat bisected a grapefruit and alcohol down his one cup of blooming tea , at 9 am , alcohol a bottle of baptize , at 10 am, eat bisected a grapefruit and 1 cup of alcohol down his blooming tea alcohol at 11am baptize bottle , etc.) . And grapefruit and blooming tea accept a absinthian aftertaste , which is blocked due to a faculty of agrarian hunger. In accession , grapefruit - a artefact with a low glycemic basis , affluent base fibers . Bitter abnegation day will acquiesce you to get rid of the balance weight of 1 kg . But ! Absinthian abnegation day is contraindicated in humans who yield statins ( drugs that lower cholesterol levels in the blood). The actuality that the actuality independent in grapefruits , arrest alarmist agitator amenable for the abasement of statins . Therefore, the absorption of statins in the physique can access badly and advance to dysfunction of the liver. Grate 0.5 kg of raw celery , raw carrots 0.5 kg and 0.5 kg of raw beets . Bisect the bloom 8-10 servings and eat during the day. Do not overlook that day to alcohol 2 liters of apparent baptize . Raw vegetables affluent base fibers that are not digested in the belly , and cool and antiseptic as its besom .
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