Scribus Magazine Layout updated
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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hello.. i want to see your files scribus tamples but my scribus cant open your files because errore format unknow..why?
I'm not sure I just had a simmalar question. I found that if you left click on the file and click open as>scribus it works for Gnome anyways. Havent tried it in KDE. Or you can navigate to the file from inside scribus using its diolog box. This seems to get around the problem.
To solve this problem, edit the file with your favorite editor, vim or any, and delete the first line <xml> Thats all,
Thank you for your help
It would be great to see a port of this template for KRecipes as well :]
I dont know KRecipes, but if anyone wants to do it, go ahead. I can't say I even know what port really means ;)
I may be too new at this, but I tried to download this template, but all I got was xml language (I think) I supposed to do something with the text or did I do something wrong? thank you.
Yes there was a problem. I just fixed it. FYI this will just be the layout... the image will need to be replaced and it will ask you what font you want to use.