K3b laser light theme
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Ratings & Comments
the best skin i found in mandriva k3b package (so i am not alone who thinks you did well:), its even beter than the small penguin from old .10s' official versions. allthrough i would appriciate to see an official k3b icon in a burning dialog than the blackish blob, the red could look much better in my opinion. Thank you for your work.
I urge you: do a complete theme for K3b 1.0. Please. I am still not fixed on the final new official theme.
Great!. K3b 1.0 with new look. 8)
is there a chance to increase seconds splash?..because on my system k3b is so fast that i cannot see the splash...)
Nice, but maybe not that red colour? Seems to be a bit of clash with some of the colours... Maybe go with more of a all-blue colour scheme? The idea is really good though... Keep it up.
Great splash screen!
Very professional look, it identifies the simplicity and the power of K3B. I liked it very much!