Kirby Desktop Companion
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Ratings & Comments
I really like this. You did a great job. BTW, how did you get Kazaa Lite to work. I can't even get IE to install so I can install Kazaa. Anyway, nice work and thanks for the theme.
You don't need to install IE to get Kazaa lite to work (or normal kazaa I don't think) - Check out
Hi! Really nice, some small bugs.. but i really like it. But the Problem is my Sysmbols look kinda crippled. How can i activate that smooth zooming feature you put under requirements in the README.. Can't find it as a startup function from supercaramba.. Tnx alot for this nice theme.
Right click on the theme and make sure 'Use Fast Image Scaling' is disabled... Otherwise your shortcuts will look terrible - If your shortcuts look fine, likelihood is it's already disabled. Disabling it has no impact on the performance. I did originally have a DynBar style smooth-zoom, but along with the task-bar, it seemed that SuperKaramba couldn't handle it... If you know a little python, it's not too hard to edit my code and put the DynBar style back in, but I wouldn't bother... As for bugs, what bugs are there? I'll fix any that I can :)
Hi! Tnx.. yes that was easy.. but i really didn't think that easy. ;-) Well i don't think the Dynbar style is needed.. it' s fine that way. Isn't there a way to only display the tasks from the active window? Because when you have opened many tasks the clock goes out of the screen. You know what i mean?
Yeah, will put that in the next version - will also make it shrink the tasks if the taskbar gets too big
It's a verry nice first version,... thanks for giving attention to my design... I hope that superkaramba will support the systemtray soon...
I was working on that! :-P Sorry I never finished it, its finals time at school...
Ditto :) hehe, I just got bored...
/me too (c; Just started the taskbar part yesterday. The rest is already finished (c;