Usage : Left-click on a [ tab ] to select active logfile. Middle-click to Add/Remove logfile entry.
NB : Adding/Removing a logfile causes a complete theme reload after writing config file ! This may take a while !
Known Bugs : - no tab selection for empty files - Runned directly from Superkaramba, causes tabs not to be displayed correctly > start it from command line : 'superkaramba dms-logs.theme&' - Tab can't be selected on empty files > edit ~/.superkaramba/dms-logs.rc to remove entry
Todo : - Mouse wheel events to move up/down in the file - scrollbar - inputbox to 'grep' text in the current file
NB : Thx a lot to vojta for this wonderful wallpaper !!
Quite nice if I set time interval to 4000 or more..... or is too slow (using gentoo mod).
Also,I don't need grep,but I use cut,
tail -20 filename | cut --delimiter=\ -f 1,2,3,5,6,8,9
... it keeps crashin if i open it - it just closes in the same second i open it... it's weird, i have debian stable and i am very up to date due to backports...
Ratings & Comments
Quite nice if I set time interval to 4000 or more..... or is too slow (using gentoo mod). Also,I don't need grep,but I use cut, eg: tail -20 filename | cut --delimiter=\ -f 1,2,3,5,6,8,9
superkaramba: addThemeToList() file: /home/dante/Styles/karamba-skins/42415-dms-logs.skz superkaramba: Starting theme: 42415-dms-logs pretty name: 42415-dms-logs - 1 kio (KDirWatch): Added File /home/dante/Styles/karamba-skins/42415-dms-logs.skz [KDirWatch-3] kio (KDirWatch): Setup FAM (Req 6) for /home/dante/Styles/karamba-skins/42415-dms-logs.skz superkaramba: /home/dante/.superkaramba/42415-dms-logs.rc Error reading file 42415-dms-logs.theme from zip Could not read config file. kio (KDirWatch): KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry for '/home/dante/Styles/karamba-skins/42415-dms-l ogs.skz' sub_entry: (nil) kio (KDirWatch): Cancelled FAM (Req 6) for /home/dante/Styles/karamba-skins/42415-dms-logs.skz kio (KDirWatch): Removed File /home/dante/Styles/karamba-skins/42415-dms-logs.skz [KDirWatch-3] X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 20 Minor opcode: 0 Resource id: 0x1c0056e
but what? superkaramba? it doesn't crash if i open that theme, the theme simpy closes! but i'll try anyway and post if something happens...
... it keeps crashin if i open it - it just closes in the same second i open it... it's weird, i have debian stable and i am very up to date due to backports...
Try launching it in console to see bugs...
I like it...!! also make a mod for see emerge logs For gentoo users!!(like me)
Cool you find it cool ! ;) Sorry but I'm under Debian -as you can see on the screenshot-...
Sorry. You Don't understood me!! I made a mod from this theme to see emerge logs for gentoo users.
lol Sorry me ! I hadn't seen !... Great job ! ;)