Description: SuperKaramba (v0.32b+) theme for monitoring mlDonkey (v2.5.3+) downloads. Current release has the most basic functionality, namely watching the queue, progress and speed.
If you want to help me test pre-releases, please let me know (email? comments?). Added changelog for those interested - doubles as a functions-list/manual
Usage: Start it via superkaramba - that easy! In case you have used a previous version, please remove ~/.superkaramba/karDonkey.rc or at least rename it. (There are still a few things inside that .py-file that can be edited!)
To change the appearence of it, change the symlink in the theme-directory. Defaults to "_dark" and "_simple". Email me any alternatives you might conjure up, just remember it must be in .png and have the same sizes.
ps: It is no shame to trade OS-software via P2P programs... (Just wonder when will participate
Screenshot #1 is of v0.3 Screenshot #2 is of v0.1Last changelog:
Future: - persistant connections - more GFX? (need contributions - support other clients? Examples ? - preview other files / setup of preview - color-selection via KColorEdit ? - view band-usage/ressource-usage ? - more cleanups!
0.5 "You've Got Features!" (Not Yet Released) - setup via config-menu: - show bars, edge, background and paused files via kdialog. - Your Idea Here? (tm)
0.4 "The Cleansing" (Oct. 3rd '03) (kdialog 0.9+, mplayer 1.0pre1, unzip 5.5, osd_cat) - warnings via kdialog. - setup via config-menu: - sort order via kdialog. - shown columns via kdialog (incomplete). - location of mlDonkey (both ip:port and where to reach temp-files) - location of main GUI - about karDonkey - context menu (mousebtn 2): - run user-selected GUI. - preview some files (incomplete?). - mpeg|mpg|avi|divx|wmv: gmplayer - zip: unzip - pause/unpause files. - commit all completed files. - handle connection to mlDonkey better (pause for data)
0.3b "More GFX, Less CPU" (Sept. 17th '03) - mostly bugfixes and speeding ups - setup via config-menu: - columns to show. - sort-order
0.3 "More GFX, Less CPU" (Sept. 16th '03) (superkaramba 0.32b+) - support borders (2 supplied - dark and brigt). - support progress-bars (2 supplied - simple and shade) - removed backdrop from default. - drag'n'drop ed2k://-links to submit (Bug: Mozilla only supplies first letter? Suspect superkaramba!) - cleaned up code; karDonkey runs "faster" (but does more things now, so its prolly even.)
0.2 "Ideas abound" (never released!) - basic configuration of column-display (sort-order) via .py-file. - optionally limit display to non-paused files.
0.1 "The Beginning" (First release, Sept. 10th '03 ) (superkaramba 0.28+) - connects to mlDonkey and displays name, size, percentile and speed. - dbl-click a column to sort by it (requires superkaramba 0.30+!)
I love both, mldonkey and kardonkey.
I've found a little bug, password support...
Since I've include users and passwords I was unable to wiew any data from mldonkey.
I've fixed this porblem adding this line after each connection:
soc.send("auth user password\n");
I thought you would like to include an user-password feature in the next version.
I would like to sugest a title line or something so... It's hard to find kardonkey when you have no downloads or you are unable to reach them...
Thanks a lot...
Uhm .. ehh .. I honestly dont remember :) perhaps?
I think I have placed it for download at (look under wallpapers), otherwize there is a (sleigthly underdone) version inside a .ktheme for download also at (under download/kde)
i really like your plugin, but i dont really like mldonkey(its gui is absolutely horrible!). could you alkso make it show your xmule donwloads?
that be reeaallyy awesome!
No problem - just need a valid source for xmule .. and some info as to how to connect to it (e.g. would I have to run it from within karDonkey to access itm as is the case with Overnet?). If it is similar to eMule, then I currently doubt that external programs can connect to it/control it.
Post a link to their HP or whatever (or email me?) and I will look into it.
wow thanks for your quick reply.
the xmule homepage is ,but donwloads and srcs are at (just punch in 'xmule' in the search box and click on first result). xmule is a emule port however.
a really interesting project is xmule v2 (on the search results page for xmule) its not (only) a port of emule and looks really good; its not ready yet, when it is though it would be just awesome if you made a plugin for it!!plz..plz ;-)
Ratings & Comments
it is not downloadable.... plz update the link!
Great job but can it be adapted to edonkey/overnet? I'd love it to work like that. :)
Hi! I love both, mldonkey and kardonkey. I've found a little bug, password support... Since I've include users and passwords I was unable to wiew any data from mldonkey. I've fixed this porblem adding this line after each connection: soc.send("auth user password\n"); I thought you would like to include an user-password feature in the next version. I would like to sugest a title line or something so... It's hard to find kardonkey when you have no downloads or you are unable to reach them... Thanks a lot...
it's really nice....but what about xmule? ;-) would be nice if you could have a look into it! thx
/me would like to have support for BitTorrent :)
I thought mlDonkey DID support BitTorrent .. But as the rule goes - get me the info needed and I'll look into it! :)
I like your work, but i like the wallpaper too, where did you find it?? ^____^
Uhm .. ehh .. I honestly dont remember :) perhaps? I think I have placed it for download at (look under wallpapers), otherwize there is a (sleigthly underdone) version inside a .ktheme for download also at (under download/kde) Cheers!
i really like your plugin, but i dont really like mldonkey(its gui is absolutely horrible!). could you alkso make it show your xmule donwloads? that be reeaallyy awesome! thx
No problem - just need a valid source for xmule .. and some info as to how to connect to it (e.g. would I have to run it from within karDonkey to access itm as is the case with Overnet?). If it is similar to eMule, then I currently doubt that external programs can connect to it/control it. Post a link to their HP or whatever (or email me?) and I will look into it.
wow thanks for your quick reply. the xmule homepage is ,but donwloads and srcs are at (just punch in 'xmule' in the search box and click on first result). xmule is a emule port however. a really interesting project is xmule v2 (on the search results page for xmule) its not (only) a port of emule and looks really good; its not ready yet, when it is though it would be just awesome if you made a plugin for it!!plz..plz ;-) thx
I was waiting for someone to make this into a reality.. nice job so far. Can't wait to see where else this can go. cheers, -p0z3r
feature I'd like to see: - a button, which launches your favourite (configurable) mldonkey client. thank you for another cool superkaramba theme!