Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other Kbfx Startmenu:
KBFX is an alternative startmenu for KDE 3.2+. It improves users' experience by replacing the Win95-like K-Logo button and menu with a larger and thus more visible start button and menu. Wikipedia
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Ratings & Comments
i cut the black bar in the background, with a lot of transparency its even better... but nevertheless the original version is great ! good job ;)
nice design! i modified it for my use, is it ok if i post the modified version here? added a lot of transparency, because i don't like big black bars...
im new to linux and i don't know how to make this the menu button. please help
Just extract the files somewhere, add kbfx to your panel, right click, configure kbfx. Then go to the button configuration and change the path to the desired image for the button
too big how can i change the size?? i prefer small... (30 size bar)
You would have to re-scale all of the .png images for the button to the desired size.
changed size and now it looks very cool :) just one thing... the top bar of normal image is a bit brighter than the one of the taskbar =) no problem, but maybe a litte cosmetic "bugfix" =)
Two thumbs up! :-)
Hye, very nice it's! Please, public your sources (e.g.Gimp-layer-files or SVG-file).
nice button, but i think is toooooooo big :))))) but i think is no problem for change size :) can u make other version with with, or white - gray gradient?