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hello folkz,

this is my first attempt for making a KBFX startbutton for KDE. i hope u like this one.

as u can see in the screenshots, i use a tiled background for my taskbar. i also added it to the package together with the start buttons.

the package contains:

-start-button normal
-start button hover
-background tile for the taskbar

(u can use the hover image also for the pressed image, or u can adjust my button)

i would like to hear some feedback!

greetz, mike
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maybe, because it has the text "START"
it looks a bit like windows. well i don't mind, cause the button opens Kmenu, and in windows it opens a menu also. and i use windows also a lot, so that's why i like to called it start.

if u have any suggestions for the little logo or text inside the button, let me know, and i can make that button for u.

all ideas are welcome.

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what about this is suse linux? answer: well i use suse linux, but this is for kde under all linux distro's. The images drag into KBFX, which is KDE, not distro dependant... answer: just like all the kbfx themes over here... just png images,and yes its not distro dependant. like the most kbfx themes here. That logo is a PC Linux OS, not SuSE. answer: that's true. everybody is using logo's from other software, but i like the colors and it looks imho good for this button.i also say that this one is my first attempt. KDE has KICKER Buttons... Start buttons are in Windows. answer: why not have a start button in linux? why always be so negative about windows. its just an OS like the others. i dont like this hate against windows. when u hit the start button in windows u also get the menu. so why not in linux? is that a crime?


what about this is suse linux? answer: well i use suse linux, but this is for kde under all linux distro's. The images drag into KBFX, which is KDE, not distro dependant... answer: just like all the kbfx themes over here... just png images,and yes its not distro dependant. like the most kbfx themes here. That logo is a PC Linux OS, not SuSE. answer: that's true. everybody is using logo's from other software, but i like the colors and it looks imho good for this button.i also say that this one is my first attempt. KDE has KICKER Buttons... Start buttons are in Windows. answer: why not have a start button in linux? why always be so negative about windows. its just an OS like the others. i dont like this hate against windows. when u hit the start button in windows u also get the menu. so why not in linux? is that a crime?


Wow... I was just referring to your actual naming of the version as SuSE linux 10.0, I wasn't trying to piss you off. I was just thinking maybe you rename the version to something that isn't SuSE, like .1, or 1.0. The version is for the version of your button, not the distro you use. I was just commenting it was a very odd version name considering that button has absolutely nothing to do with SuSE, just KDE, KBFX and pclinux os, and that in KDE we refer to it as a kicker button. I have no qualms with you labelling the button as start, but that isn't actually what it is called. KBFX button, Kicker menu button, whatever is just a more fitting naming than SuSE start button. So I guess I am not trying to "hate" you or pclinux os or calling it a "start" button or "hating" windows. I just have an issue with your naming conventions.


well i know what u mean. but in the "add content" it asked me: wich linux version. well i use suse 10, so i filled it in. again, this isn't only for suse, but for al distro's using KDE with kbfx, so nevermind the suse linux 10. now for the naming of the button: in windows, when u hit the start button, u open the menu. in linux it is the same. when u klick it, it opens kmenu.isn't that a copy from windows in the first place? sure it is a kicker menu, but it opens the same thing. the button is also on the same place like windows. and sorry that i was a bit rude before, but standard answers over here are that some stuff look like windows, and than suddenly it aint good anymore. that's what i dont like over here u see.


What about this is SuSE Linux? File Format tar.gz, unpacks to png images. No KDE or OS dependency here. The images drag into KBFX, which is KDE, not distro dependant. That logo is a PC Linux OS, not SuSE. KDE has KICKER Buttons... Start buttons are in Windows. Call me confused.

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version KDE
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