Akademy 2008
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.3 Added Kubuntu, Debian and CentOS
0.2 Added Ubuntu
0.1 initial release with Mandriva and SuSe.
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
What is the font used in suse logo? Thank
Don't know. I used a svg logo for that.
Could you please create one for Gentoo? These are really cool!
do you have any idea how I could use these? I mean actually put them on a sticker? is there some kind of paper you can buy and could you please make one for pclinuxos? These are really cool.. Thanks a bundle
I am still working on different ones. Maybe you can show me a good PClinuxos SVG logo. I found one on kde-look, but i don't think it's like the official one. I don't know what paper to use, maybe someone else has an answer.
I would really like one for Arch. By the way they are really nice!
could you please create a debian version?
could u make one for pclinuxos
i'm lovin' it