Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Artwork
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Fixed download link.
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Ratings & Comments
I can't see any relation to KDE here. Please post sh**buntu related stuff to where it belongs
It doesn't matter for the score. If you don't like it ok, I can accept it... If you don't like Ubuntu it is not my problem...
I don't care about your artwork. It is about the relevance between this site (kde-look.org, not ubuntu-look.org) and what you are uploading (a CD cover for a distribution). Please post it on Ubuntu related sites and not on a site dedicated to KDE. That's all I'm asking for. Not offending your work, but this is not the correct place to present it.
I Think He simply posted it in the clip-art section of gnomelook or something. But doing so for some reason puts it everywhere. unless you post it on the site Ubuntu-Art only. It's great work. I guess the sorting gets some people upset. I don't think he purposely posted it on kdelook. That's just how it works unless you post to Ubuntu Mint or Debian look specificity. It's confusing at first.