You can c+ c++ or maby ASM ?
common and help Reactos

Reactos it is a Reaction against Microsoft Windows™. Reactos it is an WinNT-Architecture. at Alfa, at 0.4.0 it's the end of Alfa go to Beta. Reactos at moment in Alfa and not usable at any Real hardware only at old one. You can test Reactos at or qemu. Say it again, Reactos it is at this time (look Date[2009.01.22]) not usable, but go realy fast to the end of Alfa go to Beta and manny Programmers come to Reactos for help.
Reactos it is an Winnt on Open Source.
Reactos have Open Sourced Winnt Architecture
Hackers of the world, unite and help a new architecture to build.
We now have Linux, and now we can at the same country as Microsoft fight.
Hackers of the Planet unite against the commercialization and against the criminalization but for a free and honor Planet!
I can say only, HTP for Pease, Honor and Free.
No Pirates anymore, only innovations trading, free , Open Sourced and honor Innovations!
Best Regards
Administrators, please let stay it's not a Advisement it's a Information

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